- The general put his foot into it again. 將軍又搞錯了。
- put one's foot into it 說錯話; 做錯事; 犯錯誤; 陷入困境; 弄糟
- He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred o f his wife's lover. 他把照片丟在地上,用腳狠狠地踩,以發泄自己對妻子情人的憤恨。
- When you told Pearson,whose father is a politician,that all politicians are dishonest,you certainly put your foot into it. 皮爾遜的父親是政治家,所以你說所有的政治家都不誠實時,你確實是失言了。
- When you told Pearson, whose father is a politician, that all politicians are dishonest, you certainly put your foot into it. 皮爾遜的父親是政治家,所以你說所有的政治家都不誠實時,你確實是失言了。
- She tried to put her foot into the stirrup. 她試圖把腳放進馬鐙里。
- Is it simpler to put one thing into one paradigm? 將一樣東西放在一個範例中是不是更簡單些?
- Did she put her foot into it? 她多事兒沒有?
- Take a length of elastic cotton net, putting one hand into it from one end and grab the chicken roll from the other end, to encase the chicken roll completely. 7取一段彈性棉網,把手從網之一頭伸進去,至另一頭時伸手去拿已上粉之雞卷,拉入網內,此時雞卷已全部為棉網包住。(圖6)
- It is not always easy to put one's ideas into words. 思想用言語表達出來並不總是一件容易的事。
- She eased her injured foot into her shoe. 她小心翼翼地把受傷的腳伸進鞋裡。
- Before making complaints about how another person arranges his life, it is better to put one's own house in order. 在對別人的生活安排說三道四之前,最好先把自己的事情處理好。
- A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 輪胎一打氣就鼓起來。
- Put one's ability into full play. 讓某人的能力得以充分施展。
- Snap into it, it's getting late. 快點干吧,天快黑了。
- The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot. 災禍臨頭。
- He put his feet into the stirrups. 他把腳套在馬鐙里。
- The rabbit' s foot was caught in a snare. 套索把兔子的腳套住了.
- Put one to two spoons of mayonnaise into the egg. 放一湯匙或兩湯匙的蛋黃醬(鹹味沙拉醬也可以)。
- Find the length of sb. 's foot v. 了解某人的弱點以控制他。