- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我廠生產的壓力容器是授權生產產品。
- They plotted the new position of each vessel. 他們標明每艘船的新位置。
- The act or an instance of cleansing or purifying. 凈化洗滌或凈化的行為或情況
- The vessel was ruined by a submarine. 那艘船是被潛水艇毀壞的。
- The damaged vessel was listing badly. 受損壞的船傾斜得很厲害。
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科醫生首先切開血管。
- Purifier Vessels or component sets are economical solutions for one time or short term applications. 凈化筒或零件組件是一次性或短期凈化處理的理想解決方案。
- A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater. 邊容器、鈴和坑的邊緣
- They transited the goods to another vessel. 他們將貨物轉運到另一條船上。
- A line used in towing a vessel or vehicle. 拖繩用來拖船隻或車輛的繩索
- A vessel used for boiling and evaporating liquids. 蒸發皿用來煮沸或蒸發液體的器皿
- Inflammation of a vessel of the body. 脈管炎身體的脈管感染
- A drinking vessel filled to the brim. 乾杯中的滿杯已滿到邊沿的一大杯
- A vessel for storing compressed gas. 氣罐貯存壓縮氣體的容器
- Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel. 傳送的指通過導管或管道傳送下來的或輸送的
- Salt is savory, purifying, preservative. 鹽是有味道的,能除污,能防腐。
- The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve. 這台泵通過這個閥門把(容器中的)空氣抽出。
- Great Wall Air Purifying Equipment Engineering Co. 長城空氣凈化設備工程公司。
- The crew were taken off (the wrecked vessel) by helicopter. 船員被直升飛機(從遇難的船中)救出。
- Purifying service of ecosystem and its value. 生態系統的凈化服務及其價值研究。