- "Immediate action is needed to purify the Internet environment," Cai added, according to Xinhua. 根據新華社消息:蔡說:「很有必要立即採取行動凈化互聯網環境。」
- The Application of E-Business in the Mobile Internet Environment. 電子商務在移動互聯網環境下的應用。
- A datagram delivery protocal(DDP) in local internet environment is analyzed. 本文主要對一個局部網際環境下的數據報傳輸協議(DDP)進行分析。
- A datagram delivery protocol (DDP) in local internet environment is analyzed in the paper. 本文研究分析了一種局部網際網環境下的數據報傳輸通信協議(DDP)。
- This article analyse RSVP protocol in current internet environment and bring up a priority resource reserve protocol. 針對當前internet網路環境;分析了RSVP協議;提出了一種帶有優先順序的資源預留協議PRIORIY-RSVP.
- While under the Internet environment,the digiti zed information booms with varied forms. 而網路環境下數字化的信息不僅增長迅速且變換無窮。
- Has the archery target based on Internet environment WebGis and traditional tabletop GIS and local area Intranet GIS is different. 基於Internet環境的WebGIS與傳統的桌面GIS和區域網GIS具有質的不同。
- It, therefore, is urgent to construct a taxonomy system under Internet environment. 因此,在網路環境下,急需構築一個可行的分類體系。
- This article expounds different ownerships of copyright of works under Internet environment. 文章就網路環境下不同的作品著作權的歸屬進行論述。
- Assessing the validity of contracts is complicated in the Internet environment because the contracts are paperless. 評估合同的有效性,是在複雜的網路環境,因為這些合同是紙張。
- The repaid development in recent years,P2P has been an efficient tool to construct large-scale distributed system in Internet environment. P2P技術的迅速發展使其成為構建廣域網中大型分散式系統的有力工具。
- In order to simulate Internet environment in Ethernet, time delay is divided into constant delay and random sample period considering datagram loss. 為了能在區域網中模擬網際網路的網路環境,文章根據基於TCP/IP的遠程控制系統中存在延時和延時不確定的特點,提出了將網路延時分為固定延時和採樣周期波動的隨機延時,同時考慮數據報的丟失。
- The suffers should shoulder the mission of constructing a clean internet environment to cope with the "desert" brought by a new round of "assart". 面對大眾傳播新一次的「開墾」而造成的「荒漠」,新媒體的閱聽人應該以更富建設性的姿態,承擔起「綠化」的工作。
- The article discusses the significances,salient features,and new ideas of the consultative services in reading rooms under the Internet environment. 文章就網路環境下高校閱覽室開展諮詢服務工作的意義、特點、新思路作一初步的探討。
- Under the Internet environment,traditional classification has a lot of limitations,so it can't fit the origination of Internet information. 傳統分類法在網路環境下還有很多局限性,不能完全適用於網路信息組織。
- The endless lea will purify your thought. 一望無際的草原會凈化你的思想。
- This paper is a systematic study of the relation between virtuality and reality in internet environment from the perspective of internet philosophy. 本文是從網路哲學的角度對於網路環境下虛擬與現實關係(以下簡稱虛實關係)的系統研究。
- Under internet environment, it is occurring tremendous change for target, way, content and measure of readers' service in hospital libraries. 網路環境下,醫院圖書館讀者服務的對象,方式,內容,必須採取手段正發生著巨大變化。
- The clou of the fire wall technology is to creat a relatively safe subnet environment in the unsafe Internet environment. 摘 要 防火牆技術的核心思想是在不安全的網際網環境中構造一個相對安全的子網環境。
- You can purify the water by distilling. 你可以通過蒸餾來凈化水。