- The boxers gave each other a terrific pummelling. 那兩名拳擊手彼此都以重拳出擊.
- Demand has taken a pummelling;supply is next. 打擊了需求方,下一個該是供貨方了。
- The global economy could take a pummelling. 全球經濟正在接受嚴峻考驗。
- The Yamaha DJ-X takes a pummelling. 鍵盤技能圖片 Keyboard Skills 1.
- I am dying for a chance to pummel that guy. 我很想要有一個機會打那傢伙。
- Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline. 強烈的颶風吹打著海岸。
- Key: Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline. 猛烈的颶風正襲擊著海岸線。
- Still, the pummeling of the British beef industry continues. 儘管如此,這仍然造成對英國的養牛業的持續打擊。
- The team took a real pummelling in their last match. 這個隊在最後的比賽中受到了沉重的打擊.
- That myth has taken a pummeling in the past few years. 這種神話在過去幾年開始慢慢破滅。」
- The Mets are as good at pummeling those pitches as any team. 紐約大都會隊和其他球隊一樣,最善於打這些球。
- Guri broke through the door with repeated pummeling from her fists. 古麗不得不重拳砸門,才把門撞開。
- Improved Pummel is no longer a pre-req for Improved Overpower. 連擊強化不再是壓制強化的前置選擇。
- Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage. 技能拳擊只有一個等級並且不造成傷害。
- The two warriors who tank the healer adds have to Pummel the heals. %23 魚斯拉:下潛上浮之間的時間略有所短,整體戰鬥節奏加快了一點點,因為有人不適應團滅了1次。
- Useful to avoid CC or get a clutch Pummel or Execute. 原文:Casts bladestorm on first use; cancel's it on second.
- The Princess drew a quilt over him and began gently pummelling his back. 公主拉過一條薄被,蓋在他身上,在他背上輕輕拍打。
- A pummelling toughens you up, makes you fitter for the next engagement. 打擊令你堅強,讓你更加勝任下一場戰鬥。
- You can pummel his mid-section and pound his face, but you can't knock him out. 你可以猛擊他的腹部,或痛扁他的臉,但就是無法把他打倒。
- Meanwhile, foreclosures continue to pummel the mortgage firms with big losses. 與此同時,抵押貸款企業繼續遭受贖回帶來的巨大損失。