- Methods The proper cases were selected to be ligated with wire, pulp extirpation, peridental therapy and crown repair in conservative treatment. 方法選擇合適病例,採用鋼絲結紮,根管治療和牙周治療、全冠修復等多種方法,對磨牙縱折予以保守治療。
- The victim's face was battered to a pulp. 受害者的臉打得血肉模糊。
- pulp extirpation 牙髓摘除術
- dental pulp extirpation 牙髓摘除
- A banana is mainly pulp, except for its skin. 香蕉除了果皮之外,主要是果肉。
- Scoop out the pulp and serve it with sugar. 把果肉挖出來和糖一起食用。
- Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day. 有些低級雜誌的作家每天粗製濫造地寫出兩三篇短篇小說。
- Apples stewed to a pulp, sweetened, and sometimes spiced. 蘋果醬,蘋果泥燉成果漿后加糖,有時加香料的蘋果製品
- He threatened to beat me to a pulp. 他威脅說要狠狠地揍我一頓。
- These vegetables have been boiling too long; they're cooked to a pulp. 這些蔬菜煮的時間太長了,都煮成糊了。
- My biceps was being crushed to a pulp. 我的手臂好象已擠成肉醬一般。
- African gourd-like fruit with edible pulp. 果肉可吃的、葫蘆狀非洲水果。
- The meat was cooked to rags [a pulp]. 肉煮得稀爛。
- The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy. 這西瓜瓤兒太肉了。
- Used for removing ink particles in waste pulp. 用於脫除廢紙將中的油墨粒子。
- Cook the fruit gently until it forms a pulp. 用文火把水果煮爛。
- I'll beat you to a pulp, you dogs. 我要把你們揍個稀爛,你們這兩個狗東西。
- The beans need to be mashed into pulp. 豆子需壓成豆沙.
- Complete extirpation of the rumor was performed via an extraoral approach. 治療方式探外手術,經口外切線將腫瘤分割摘除。