- Come on, Rockets, pull one win out for Yao! 來吧,火箭,為姚明爭取一場勝利!
- Indeed, even when children masturbated themselves, their families saw it as a 「natural」 relief from discomfort like scratching or blowing one』s nose. 甚至當孩子們自己手淫時,他們的家人把這當作由於不舒適時的「正常」緩解,像撓痒痒或擤鼻涕那樣。
- You have to beas sly as a foxto pull one over on me. 你很是聰明,把別人推到我的身邊。
- I'm warning you, you pull one more stunt like that and I'll declare a mistrial. 我警告你,再玩一次這種把戲,我就宣布這次審迅無效。
- If I coud reach the stars I'd pull one down for you shine if on way heart. 如果我可以摘星,我會摘下一顆星星的光芒放在您的心上。
- If I coud reach the stars I'd pull one down for you shine if on way heart . 如果我可以摘星,我會摘下一顆星星的光芒放在您的心上。
- In a frontal collision, the car′s nose will deform to absorb the impact energy. 在正面碰撞中,汽車前端會變形,來吸收撞擊能量。
- Ignoring the Duke, Ogilvie waved the unlighted cigar under his adversary 's adversary 's nose. 他不理睬公爵,手裡拿著那支尚未點燃的雪茄在公爵夫人的鼻子底下揮了一揮。
- Under sb.'s nose: just in front of sb. The thief walked out of the museum with the painting right under the guards' nose. 小偷正是在警衛的眼皮底下拿著那幅油畫走出了博物館。
- Give a Christmas cracker to every other child, so that each pair can then pull one. 給每兩個孩子一包聖誕爆竹,這樣每兩個孩子便可拉響一個爆竹。
- Give a Christmas cracker to every other child,so that each pair can then pull one. 給每兩個孩子一包聖誕爆竹,這樣每兩個孩子便可拉響一個爆竹。
- "In rowing racing, each member uses both hands to pull one oar.The boat of shell is sometimes directed by a coxswain. 在划船運動中,每一劃手雙手划槳,船只有時有舵手。
- The two groups of 3 are not linked but all 6 will aggro if you pull one because the two groups are too close together. 6.;不蒸饅頭爭口氣行嗎?
- How did Svend come to own this dog with a detective\'s nose?He picked Rolf from a litter of seven pups because Rolf had the biggest head and snuffled more eagerly along the ground. 在羅爾夫只有五個月大的時候,它第一次找到了一件失物棗斯文德鄰居的一塊表,經過一年精心的訓練,羅爾夫成了一個職業尋物狗,可以開始應活了。
- Then Lisa was sniffling again, pulling one of those newfangled totally-recyclable tissues from a dispenser, blowing her nose, and tossing it into the recycler. 麗莎又抽泣了起來,她抽出一條新式的可完全再生的的紙巾,擦了擦鼻子,然後把它扔進廢物箱里。
- I discovered that the body was atuning fork that could hold only the highest of frequencies that the densitywould allow for, or pull one back into. 我發現身體是一個只能持有身體緻密所允許的最高頻率的音叉,或把你向下拉入(緻密)的音叉。
- Then Lisa was sniffling again,pulling one of those newfangled totally-recyclable tissues from a dispenser,blowing her nose,and tossing it into the recycler. 麗莎又抽泣了起來,她從分裝盒裡抽出一條新式的可完全回收的的紙巾,擦了擦鼻子,然後把它扔進回收器里。
- To pull one's leg is an idiom. "to pull one's leg"(同某人開玩笑)是慣用語。
- In the races, there are many dogs pulling one sled, not just two. 賽跑時,許多狗兒會齊力拉動一個雪橇,而不是只有兩隻狗。
- She browsed through the rack of leotards and then pulled one out. 她瀏覽,通過在機架上的緊身衣,然後扳回一。