- Anthems are often with words taken from the Bible. 聖歌的歌詞多取自於《聖經》。
- Many book of them had filled with words and phrases underlined. 其中很多書都寫滿了批註,還有許多單詞和短語的下面劃了線。
- Cartoons are humorous pictures with words. 漫畫是附有文字的幽默圖片。
- To mark or engrave(a surface)with words or letters. 雕刻,標誌在(表面上)標上或雕上詞或字母
- If I could heal your wounds with words of love. 但願我的愛能撫平你傷口。
- Acting has almost nothing to do with words. 動作幾乎和言語無關。
- Admit, he does have a way with words. 你得承認他還真會舞文弄墨。
- She certainly does have a way with words. 她的確能言善辯
- Love and peace is hard to empower with words. 提起愛心與和平,我說不出什麼絢爛華麗的詞語。
- Actions must be consistent with words. 說的和做的要一致。
- Torturing me, with words from your lips. 讓從你嘴唇噴發出的言辭折磨我。
- Silvia Broome:I don't play with words. 希爾維亞:我沒有玩弄文字。
- Word box with words arranged alphabetically. 每課皆附有辭彙表,辭彙按英文字母排序。
- You can stroke people with words. 言語能成為打人的工具。
- Don't juggle with words any more. I know what you mean. 不要再玩文字遊戲了,我知道你是什麼意思。
- His ingenuity with words stamped his as an outstanding politician. 他那足智多謀的話語說明他是一位傑出的政治家。
- To mark or engrave(a surface) with words or letters. 雕刻,標誌在(表面上)標上或雕上詞或字母
- He loved to play with words,to jingle them,to make puns with them. 他喜歡作文字遊戲,玩弄聲韻和雙關語。
- Robin is an excellent journalist,he really has a way with words. 羅賓是一名傑出的新聞工作者,他確實很擅長文字工作。
- He had not been brought up to strive with men, but with words. 他從小受到的教育是和文字打交道,不是和人打交道。