- Another protestor has crossed the line (Hey! 有一些反對者穿越了著條界限(嘿!)
- Only one minor protestor was reported. 據報道,只有一位抗議者。
- Don't you know some of the protestor even hired ! 所以我很驚訝,她竟然有這麼脆弱的一面。
- Thousands of war protestor s converge d on Washington today. 今天幾千名反戰者聚集在華勝頓。
- Gormley jokingly hailed the protestor as "a warm-up act". 。戈姆利向他歡呼,打趣地說示威者在做「暖場演出。」
- Earlier, a protestor tried to snatch it, but was stopped by police. 期間,一名"藏獨"分子試圖搶奪聖火,但被警方及時制止。
- Dr.Maric:We believe the all protestor be concentrated there. 馬里奇:我們相信所有的**者將被召集在這裡。
- The major was assaulted by a protestor right outside the city hall. 市長就在市政廳外被一名示威者給襲擊了。
- Tonight, any protestor, any instigator or agitator... |今晚,任何進行 抗議,煽動和蠱惑的人...
- "We have had depressions," the protestor said."We have had recessions. 這位示威者說:「我們經歷過蕭條,我們經歷過衰退。
- A protestor holds a slogan outside the historic Federal Hall where U.S. 關注金融危機一周年 9月14日,在美國紐約華爾街的聯邦大廳外,一名抗議者手舉「華爾街首先應該進行改革」的標語。
- Why they want to avoid violence, why the DL protestor who self-claimed nonviolence will generate violence. 在他們國家為什麼要避免暴力,為什麼宣稱非暴力的藏獨分子在他們國家也會產生暴力。
- But when a protestor launched one at the deputy Prime Minister in 2001, he got rather more than he bargained for. 2001年當一個反對者向副首相抗議時,他得到了遠遠不止他所要求的。
- One protestor in Washington said to a passerby, "Do you know that this money is going to this trash? 華盛頓一個抗議者對路人說,「你知道這些錢正在打水漂嗎?
- In a second sequence from much further away, another protestor appears to be punched in the face by an officer. 另一起事件發生在稍遠地方,另一名示威者被一位警官猛擊臉部。
- Rivoli realized that she didn't know where her T-shirt came from, and that she doubted the protestor did either. 里奧利不清楚自己的T恤衫從何而來,並懷疑抗議者自己也不知道自己的T恤衫從何而來。
- Designing and making the membrane the would protestor with silk fibroin or other materials. 設計和研製成絲素成膜設備,該設備能用以生產絲素創面保護膜及其他醫用膜。
- "China is not qualified to hold a festival of peace because it is acountry that murdered Tibetans," one protestor shouted. "中國沒有資格舉辦象徵和平的盛會,因為它是個謀害藏人的國家,"一名抗議者大叫。"
- Out on the street, he』s encouraging me to get closer to the BBC/CNN cameras, who are mobbed up front around an important protestor spokesman. 整件事都是關於肉以及肉來自哪的。然而,僅僅幾百公裡外的朝鮮人正因飢餓而死。
- "We are not terrorists, we are not anarchists, but we are against those people who blaspheme Islam," one protestor shouted, AP said. 「我們不是恐怖分子,我們不是無政府主義者,但是我們反對那些褻瀆伊斯蘭教的人「,一個示-威者對美聯社記者喊著。