- "That's what Gary did in Washington state, all with an eye toward prosperity and progress for all those in his state who had dreams of their own. 奧巴馬說,「而這正是駱家輝在華盛頓所做到過的,他全身心的關注著,使擁有自己夢想的華盛頓州的人民都能繁榮和進步。」
- Stability and development in China are not only in the interest of prosperity and progress in Asia but also an important contribution to world peace and development. 中國的穩定和發展不僅有助於亞洲的富強和發展而且對世界和平與發展有重要的貢獻。
- Mine resource exploring gave the prosperity and progress and made the environment destroyed, especially made great harm on the soil in the diggings area. 摘要礦產資源開發帶來社會的繁榮與進步,同時也給環境帶來破壞,特別是礦區土壤受到的影響最大。
- Mine resource exploring gave the prosperity and progress,and made the environment destroyed,especially made great harm on the soil in the diggings area. 礦產資源開發帶來社會的繁榮與進步,同時也給環境帶來破壞,特別是礦區土壤受到的影響最大。
- Now, when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House, and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progress. 當我參加競選的時候,我想要奪回白宮,確保我們能夠選出一位能幹的總統,幫助美國重新回到和平、繁榮、發展的軌道上去。
- Now, when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progress. 現在,我記得當初參加競選的時候,我是想要贏得重新入住白宮的門票,以確保我們擁有一個將我們國家帶往和平,繁榮與發展之路的總統。
- While training more cadres of ethnic minority backgrounds,we should continue our programs of action to bring prosperity to border areas,increase support to less populous ethnic groups and promote common prosperity and progress of all ethnic groups. 大力培養少數民族幹部。繼續推進興邊富民行動,加大對人口較少的民族扶持力度,促進各民族共同繁榮進步。
- While training more cadres of ethnic minority backgrounds, we should continue our programs of action to bring prosperity to border areas, increase support to less populous ethnic groups and promote common prosperity and progress of all ethnic groups. 大力培養少數民族幹部。 繼續推進興邊富民行動,加大對人口較少的民族扶持力度,促進各民族共同繁榮進步。
- We appreciate fellowship in prosperity and adversity. 我們讚賞甘苦與共的精神。
- How reforms and the consummation state asset control system not only relates the economy the prosperity and the development, relates politics the stability and progressive. 如何改革和完善國有資產管理制度不僅關係到經濟的繁榮與發展,更關係到政治的穩定與進步。
- Jack: Happiness, prosperity and good luck. 傑克:幸福、繁榮和好運。
- I accept prosperity and abundance into my life. 我接受繁榮和豐盛進入我的生命。
- May our country prosper and thrive forever! 希望我們的國家繁榮興旺,長盛不衰。
- Theory and Progress in Social Science II. 社會科學理論及其發展進步2。
- Attentive to detail, willing to learn and progress. 注意細節,肯學習且有進取心。
- In thinking, decency and progress. 在思想方面,品行端正,追求進步。
- It brings great pleasure to see a friend such as China prospering and progressing. 看到中國這樣的朋友繁榮進步,心中萬分喜悅。
- That would be the end of prosperity and stability for Hong Kong. 香港的繁榮和穩定也會吹的。
- It is based on resistance, unity and progress. 這種統一論是以抗戰、團結、進步三件事做基礎的。
- Anemic rate and progress speed are differ. 貧血的程度和進展快慢不一。