- After the grant of the patent right for a design,no entity or individual may,without the authorization of the patentee,exploit the patent,that is,make,sell or import the product incorporating its or his patented design,for production or business purposes. 外觀設計專利權被授予后,任何單位或者個人未經專利權人許可,都不得實施其專利,即不得為生產經營目的製造、銷售、進口其外觀設計專利產品。
- To call the attention of the public to a product or business. 做廣告:引起公眾對產品或企業的注意。
- This Law shall not apply to prevention and control of noise hazards incurred in the course of production or business operation one is engaged in. 因從事本職生產、經營工作受到雜訊危害的防治,不適用本法。
- The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in print or on the air. 廣告活動諸如通過已出版的或正在廣播的有償啟事吸引公共對產品或企業注意力的活動
- The primary determinant of whether a product or business will generate results is its fit to the needs of customers. 一個產品或企業能否產生效益的首要決定因素是它是否適應顧客的需要。
- A depositor, which is a taxpayer engaging in the production or business operations, shall also submit the serial number of its (state or local) tax registration certificate. 存款人為從事生產、經營活動的納稅人的,還應提交其稅務登記證(國稅或地稅)編號。
- If it fails to mend up within the prescribed time period, it shall be ordered to suspend production or business for rectifications. 逾期未改正的,責令停產停業整頓。
- The approval documents, if any, shall be withdrawn and an order shall be given to suspend production or business operation for rectification. 有藥品批准證明文件的予以撤銷,並責令停產、停業整頓;
- If he fails to mend up within the prescribed time period, the production and business operation entity shall be ordered to suspend production or business for rectifications. 逾期未改正的,責令生產經營單位停產停業整頓。
- The financial and accounting systems or methods and the accounting software of a taxpayer engaged in production or business operations shall be submitted to the tax authority for records. 第二十條從事生產、經營的納稅人的財務、會計制度或者財務、會計處理辦法和會計核算軟體,應當報送稅務機關備案。
- An increase, as in movement or business activity. 進步,改進,改善運動或商業活動的進步或興隆
- A financial speculation or business venture. 投機活動金融投機或商業冒險
- It's inevitable that some people may misunderstand your intentions when you try to promote the products or business opportunity. 在推廣產品和介紹事業機會時,少不免會遇到別人的一些誤解;
- Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family, or for business purposes? 你到倫敦來的目的是為了要看望家人還是為了公事?
- He used his car for business purpose, and many of the minor repairs were done on the house. 他常用私車辦公事,許多次小修費用都由公家報銷。
- A failure, especially a failed theatrical production or movie. 失敗之作失敗,尤指失敗的戲劇作品或電影
- He uses his own car for business purpose and is paid mileage. 他用自己的汽車出差,並按行駛里數支付費用。
- The practices, methods, aims, and spirit of commerce or business. 利潤第一主義商業或營業的實踐、方法、目的和精神
- A demonstration, as of a product or service. 產品展示如產品或服務的宣傳
- A basic knowledge of lean production or six sigma. 對精益生產或六西格碼基本了解。