- Study of Engineering Aseismic Levels in Water Supply System? 供水系統抗震設防標準的研究?
- Turn off the water supply system at night and on holidays. 供水系統在夜間及假期應予關閉。
- An Ideal Water Supply Form for City- Double Quality Water Supply System. 一種理想的城市供水方式-雙質供水系統。
- Good knowledge in environmental related to drainage water supply system. 熟悉水處理行業的給排水系統。
- Both the dynamic and static characteristics of the water supply system in watercurtain cooling process in the steel rolling production of Shougang (Group) Company are deeply analyzed. 本文介紹了利用單片機輔以變頻器等設備對鋼廠軟水供水系統進行技術改造的方法。
- Periodical inspection and maintenance of water supply system, supplying pipe, tape and tank, drain pipe. 給水裝置的管線、龍頭、水箱及排水管道的定期檢查和維修。
- Rechlorination to Control Microbiological Pollution of Secondary Water Supply System on Passenger Trains. 補充加氯控制旅客列車二次供水微生物污染的試驗研究。
- The technical water supply system for the Shahe Pumped-storage Power Station has the problem of insufficient pressure and discharge. 摘要沙河抽水蓄能電站技術供水系統存在壓力和流量不足的問題。
- When backflow preventer is filled, slowly open the downstream shutoff and fill the water supply system. 當防迴流閥注滿后,慢慢開啟下游關閉閥並注滿水供應系統。
- In charge of total facility operation, like HVAC system, water supply system, etc and emergency response of the site. 當班期間負責全廠廠務設備的操作以及故障處理。
- When backflow preventer is filled, slowly open the downstream shut-off and fill the water supply system. 等防迴流閥充滿后,慢慢開啟下游關閉閥,注滿水供應系統。
- Application in water supply system and water treatment, petroleum fining, chemical and chemical tech... 發布者:李鳳菊所在地:河北衡水市行業:環保職位:外銷員工作年限:應屆畢業生
- Introduces a combined heating and hot - water supply system of public bathhouse. 介紹一種公共浴室的聯合供熱系統。
- Large public swimming pool applies inverse-flow-style cycling water supply system. 對於公用性大型泳池採用逆流式循環給水系統;
- When valve is filled, open the downstream shutoff slowly and fill the water supply system. 當閥門注滿后,慢慢開啟下游關閉閥,注滿水供應系統。
- The interactional condition of district heating system and hot water supply system are analyzed. 分析集中供熱管網與熱水供應熱用戶水力或熱力工況變化時的相互影響規律。
- It is adequate for water supply system in civil building ,airconditioner ,and industry . 適用於建築冷熱水供水、空調供水及工業用水系統。
- Title: Rechlorination to Control Microbiological Pollution of Secondary Water Supply System on Passenger Trains. 關鍵詞:二次供水;消毒;遊離性余氯;總大腸菌群;旅客列車
- The developments and advances of water supply systems in Amsterdam and Rotterdam are presented and the recently applied water purification process and their parameters are given in this paper. 詳細介紹了荷蘭鹿特丹市和阿姆斯特丹市供水發展和變化的歷程 ,及其目前所採用的凈水工藝和運行參數
- However acquiring water from outside entails high maintenance costs for the supply system as well as an unsteady or inadequate water supply. 但從校外取水,供應系統的保養費用巨大,且供水量亦可能不穩定或不足。