- She read the declaration aloud pro bono publico. 為了大家的便利,她將宣言高聲讀了一遍。
- Many law firms offer billable hours credit for pro bono work.Some even require it.No such incentives exist in house. 很多律所會提供公益事務法律服務費用貸款,公益事務律師可以申請,而在公司則沒有這樣的激勵措施。
- Sometimes difficult with private lawyers taking pro bono cases. 有時對於做公益案件的私營律師是很難的。
- You can't seriously be criticizing me for doing pro bono work. 你不能因為那些免費手術這樣嚴厲的批評我。
- On top of which, you can direct our pro bono efforts. 你還可以為公眾利益出一份力。
- Pro Bono To work for the good of the public rather than for a profit or income. 以公共福利為目的為公共福利,而非為了謀求利潤的行為。
- A big part of the why is groups that offer pro bono services -- such as the Atlanta Legal Aid Society and Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation -- help low income individuals find attorneys. 某些團體,諸如亞特蘭大法律援助協會和亞特蘭大志願律師基金會,提供公益服務主要是為了幫助低收入個人獲得律師服務。
- In this way, big-firm pro bono serves not merely as a vehicle to advance the public good, but also as a source of professional legitimation. 通過這種方式,大型律所的公益性服務不僅是一種促進公眾利益的方式,同樣也可以使其職業合法化。
- Yet the relationship between pro bono and big firms has not been one-sided, with pro bono programs merely the lucky recipients of big-firm lar?gesse. 但公益性服務與大型律所的關係並不是單方面的,公益性計劃並不僅僅是大型律所慷慨援助的接受方。
- Saving enough to retire early to open a bistro or flower shop or to do pro bono work for a nonprofit. 攢下足夠的錢,提前退休,開家酒館或花店,或是為非營利組織做義工等等。
- And the lawyers generally -- even those new to pro bono work -- find the experience satisfying. 這些律師通常會為自己的公益服務經理感到滿足,即使是那些剛開始參與公益服務的律師。
- Requests for pro bono assistance for plaintiffs bringing prod? ucts liability suits are also likely to elicit a swift rejection. 提起產品責任訴訟的原告在尋求公益性法律援助時,通常也會被立時回絕。
- Mr. Hester has been involved for over 20 years in pro bono death penalty litigation, including cases in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and Virginia. 20多年來,赫斯特先生一直參與無償服務死刑訴訟,包括亞拉巴馬州、佛羅里達州、密西西比州和弗吉尼亞州的案件。
- Since the pro bono model seeks to deploy large numbers of law?yers to provide free services, it relies heavily on the big firm as a mass sup?plier of pro bono personnel. 因為公益性服務的模式是希望調動大量的律師提供免費服務,所以它非常依賴大型律所提供的大量人力。
- Requests for pro bono assistance for plaintiffs bringing prod?ucts liability suits are also likely to elicit a swift rejection. 提起產品責任訴訟的原告在尋求公益性法律援助時,通常也會被立時回絕。
- But they』re the ones who are sitting at their desks, twiddling their thumbs and doing pro bono to keep busy,」 the lawyer said. 可現在他們閑得坐在辦公桌前玩手指,只有這些免費諮詢能讓他們有點事情做。」
- As a result, pro bono organizational directors report the constant pressure to be out in the legal community 「proselytizing」 new recruits. 因此,公益組織的董事們說他們時刻承受著到法律從業者中「甜言蜜語拉攏」新晉律師的壓力。
- Now Martinez is expanding a pro bono program, where Ben Reiss and about two dozen other private attorneys are working misdemeanor and felony cases. 目前,馬丁內斯正在著手擴大無償服務項目。賴斯和其他二十多位私營律師正在忙著處理輕罪和重罪的案子。
- Her clients include trade unions, job training and placement organizations, social service agencies and hospitals. She also teaches many classes pro bono. 她的委託人包括工會、求職訓練與安置機構、社會服務部和醫院。她也教很多其它願意讓她教的班級。
- However, despite the latitude for accepting oppositional cases under the ethical rules, posi¬tional conflicts pose unique barriers for pro bono cases. 但儘管在符合道德規範的情況下對接受立場相反的案件尚有迴旋餘地,立場衝突對公益性案件構成了獨特的障礙。