- Take a message that has the highest priority among all contained messages out of the message queue. 從消息隊列取出所包含消息中具有最高優先順序的消息。
- These two aspects turn in the status and meaning of education development priority among the strategy of the great development in the western China. 這兩個方面決定了教育優先開發在西部大開發戰略實施中的地位和意義。
- Lawson says ordinary Africans are suffering because of misplaced priorities among rich nations. 勞森認為,由於富裕國家缺乏足夠的重視,非洲平民承受了很多痛苦。
- AAHI has identified the programs and projects listed above as priorities among the Asian American community in Montgomery County. AAHI將上述計畫和專案列為蒙哥馬利郡亞裔美國社區的優先重點。
- Those processes can be likened to the mental CEO,the part of the brain associated with establishing priorities among tasks and allocating resources to them. 這種過程好比是大腦活動的首席執行官,其功能在於確定哪些任務應優先解決,並為其分配大腦資源。
- Those processes can be likened to the mental CEO, the part of the brain associated with establishing priorities among tasks and allocating resources to them. 這種過程好比是大腦活動的首席執行官,其功能在於確定哪些任務應優先解決,並為其分配大腦資源。
- The study concludes that te prevalence of doping is due to the lack of an effective policing system, the large sums poured into the Olympics by corporate sponsors and conflicting priorities among sports federations. 研究認為,興奮劑泛濫的原因是缺少一套有效的政策,贊助商為奧運會注入了大量的資金及其在各項運動協會之間分配的不均。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 對新文化的採納在年輕人中總是快一些。
- The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 紅利將分發給投資者。
- I have priority over you in my claim. 我的請求比你的優先。
- They quarreled among themselves. 他們互相爭吵。
- Safety has high priority in factories. 工廠里安全至關重要。
- They agreed to give the matter top priority. 他們同意優先考慮這件事。
- A scholar at court is an ass among ape. 宮廷里的學究是在猴子群里的驢子。
- Road building is a top priority. 築路是最優先考慮的事。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的敗壞在年輕人之間蔓延。
- That task rates low on my priority list. 那件事情並不是我的當務之急。
- She is the most lovable among all girls. 所有姑娘中她是最可愛的。
- Rebuilding the area is a (top) priority. 重建這一地區是當務之急。
- She enjoyed high prestige among the masses. 她在群眾中享有很高威信。