- Such, measured value does not have catholicity or reliability. 如許,測量值就不具備遍及性或靠得住性了。
- The measured value will be close to one of the two values. 測量值靠近兩個值之一。
- Measure value over range, change measure range. 測量值超程,更改量程範疇。
- The difference between a computed or measured value and a true or theoretically correct value. 誤差計算值或測量值與理論上正確值之差
- The measured values of k1s partly reflect the relative donor power. 測定K1S值就可以部分地反映其相對給電子能力。
- Experiments show a strong effect on the measured value if collimation angle is increased. 實驗表明,准光角增大會對測定值產生很大的影響。
- The model of the deformation resistance of weathering steel is calculated by measured value and it has higher fitting precision. 用實測值回歸出了耐候鋼的新型變形抗力模型,而且該模型具有較高的擬合精度。
- A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition. 一種經計算、觀察或測量而得到的值或狀態同真實的、指定的或理論上正確的值或狀態之間的差別。
- If a measure plus an eighth note in the previous measure is highlighted, it can now be drag-pasted to all possible beats of an empty measure. 如果一個加上第八在前一措施中音符措施被強調;現在它能阻力向所有的一個空虛措施的可能節拍被粘貼.
- Has not effect on accuracy of original measure value. 不影響原測量值的精度。
- Previous measures include pledges to build more low-income housing and cuts of mortgage rates and down payments for first home buyers. 之前的措施有:許諾建造更多低收入房屋以及為購房者降低房貸率和首付。
- Value theory for measuring value of forest resources. 森林資源貨幣計量中的價值論基礎。
- Measuring value can be set up optionally in measurement. 稱量值在量程範圍內可任意設定。
- In addition, the organization shall assess and record the validity of the previous measuring results when the equipment is found not to conform to requirements. 此外,當發現設備不符合要求時,組織必此須對以往測量結果的有效性進行評價和記錄。
- The comparison of the predicated value and the measured value shows that the model is feasible. 將預測值與實測值加以對比,證實了馬爾可夫鏈式灰色預測模型的可行性。
- The difference between reality and measured value of gas interspace pressure has been analysed by math method. 對氣膜壓力的測量值和真實值之間的差異用數學方法做出了分析。
- Residuals: Generally, the difference between a measured value and the value predicted from a model. 偏差:通常指測量值和某典型的預報值之間的差值。
- The measured value corres-ponds well with the analytical value with the MSR error better than 0.5%(absolute value). 儀器測定值和傳統化學分析值之間的均方根誤差優於0.;5%25(絕對值)。
- Previous measurements with other Cassini instruments implied the existence of a population of particles, possibly ranging in size from 1 to 100 meters (about three to several hundred feet) across. 之前其他卡西尼儀器測量出的有關粒子的數量大小從1-100米直徑不等。
- Some deviations can be judged of the measured value of metallizationrate and reducibility based on the relationship. 根據這種關係可以判斷金屬化率和還原度測定值的某些偏差。