- A: dad says you have a lot of life exPerience. 爸爸說你有豐富的人生經驗。
- Age and life experience help keep a star grounded. 年齡和生活閱歷能幫助明星們保持清醒。
- His life experience has been pia... 想問你能這樣翻譯嗎?
- In refusing to study abroad, she missed a life experience. 由於拒絕出國留學,她錯失了一種生活經歷。
- Zen Yoga will yen yoga you know, life experience and enjoy life. 禪圓瑜伽將使您認識瑜伽,感受生命,享受生活。
- Loses allly and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable. 所有的輸和贏都是人生經歷的偶然和必然。
- They bring a wide range of both academic and life experience to their teaching. 他們都能把豐富的教學和生活經驗帶到課室里。
- A Study on Life Experiences and Poems o. 李之儀生平與詩歌研究;
- It is not a live experience; it is just a doctrine. 這不是一種活生生的經驗;它只是一種教條。
- Indoor Game Suite-furniture provides people with life experience of DIY. 遊戲式套房傢具給了人們DIY的生活體驗。
- I started modelling, I guess you could say, to gain life experience. 我想你會說,我當模特是為了獲得生活經驗。
- To draw and to transmigrate what I draw is a response to my life experience. 展出形式沿襲了繪畫的圖像感,又滲透雕塑的空間干預力。
- Today you have leaders with no life experience who lead the world amuck. 今天,你們有著沒有這種生命經歷的領袖,將世界領向瘋狂。
- Expat or Chinese with work or life experience in oversea is preferred. 註:持有初級,中級,高級的工程技術類的技術職稱者或經濟管理資質者優先。
- Some evidence suggests that Rapid Eye Movement Sleep may be a time when the brain adapts to life experiences. 某些證據表明「快速眼動睡眠」可能是大腦長期適應生活經驗形成的。
- It is in wholeness that joy becomes an ongoing life experience again. 就是在完整性中,歡樂再次變成一個持續的表達。
- U nceasing in aspiring after uncharted domain, and a profound life experience. 不斷的追求未知的領域及深刻的體驗生活。
- I suspect not,since their life experiences would be so different. 我不懷疑,恐怕他們的生活經驗會很不同。
- The article describes the life experiences of the little beggar. 告地狀中寫著這位小乞丐的身世。
- Pisces pets are the most empathetic. You could have shared a past life experience with these lovely critters. 雙魚座的寵物最容易使你投入感情。你可以和這種可愛的小動物共同分享過去的生活經歷。