- I take pride in running with these great men. 我很榮幸與這些大人物交往。
- The machine is in running order. 這台機器運轉正常。
- Followed his sister's lead in running for office. 步他姐姐的後塵競選這一公職
- They may be taken precedence in northern China. 伊豆表現早熟、果實品質極上,適宜密植;
- He was grooved in running errands for his neighbors. 他已習慣於為鄰居跑腿。
- Label declaration takes precedence in any ambiguous situation. 標籤聲明在任何模糊環境中都有優先權。
- A competition of speed, as in running or riding. 賽跑一種速度的比賽,如賽跑或賽車
- She outdid him in running and swimming. 她在賽跑和游泳方面都勝過了他。
- Woman is inferior to man in running. 婦女跑不過男子。
- The ship was captured in running the blockade. 該船在偷越封鎖線時被截獲。
- He is a fresh hand in running the machine. 開機器他是個新手。
- What is your strength in running a LEGO workshop? 您開一個工作室的優勢是什麼?
- Do you have experience in running a hotel? 你有經營旅館的經驗嗎?
- It is without precedent in history. 這是史無前例的。
- There's no profit in running a cinema in this town. 這個鎮里電影院是無利可圖的。
- He hasn't much experience in running factories. 他沒有多少管理工廠的經驗。
- Parentheses can be used to override this precedence in a search condition. 不過,可以在搜索條件內使用括弧來表示優於此優先順序的運算符。
- Karl has experience in running a school. 卡爾辦學校很有經驗。
- It was almost without precedent in local history. 這在當地歷史上幾乎沒有先例。
- She succeed in running for a public office. 她競選公職獲得成功。