Of those polled, seven out of ten said they preferred brown bread. 那些被調查者十人中有七人說他們比較愛吃黑麵包。
A large vote was polled. 投票踴躍。
Mps representing marginal seat are worried about the government's poor show in the opinion poll. 代表邊際席位的下院議員對政府在民意測驗中的壞的表現表示憂慮。
Before starting the new service, the company carry out nationwide opinion poll. 推出新的服務方式前,公司進行了全國範圍的民意調查。
The initial reaction from analysts and voter polls was that the Massachusetts governor edged out the vice president. A panel of six debate experts put together by The Associated Press scored it144 to141 for Dukakis. 據專門分析[選舉情勢]的人士及選民民意測驗的初步反應,馬州州長較副總統略佔優勢。根據美聯社所邀請的六位辯論專家評分結果,杜卡基斯以144分對141分領先。
Canadians went to the polls on Monday in a largely unwanted early federal election which pits Prime Minister Jean Chretien's Liberals against the right-wing opposition Canadian Alliance of Stockwell Day. 大多數的加拿大人已經對過多的投票活動感到厭煩,不過周一選民還是得到投票所投票,以選出下屆的新總理和國會議員。這次選舉的重頭戲主要是在總理克瑞強所屬的自由黨與右翼反對黨--加拿大聯盟黨之間的較勁。