- She is not fitted to play the part of Juliet. 她演朱麗葉不合適。
- I am asked to play the part of Jane. 他們要我扮演珍妮。
- The main actor is Kingsley. He plays the part of Romeo. 男主角是金斯利。他演羅密歐。
- In the play, Mary was playing the part of a dancer, but the director asked her to double as the mother. 在那齣戲里,瑪麗出演一位女舞蹈家,可導演叫她同時兼演女舞蹈家的母親。
- In the opera he plays the part of an old peasant. 他在戲里扮一位老農。
- People don't like to play the part of the Bad guy. 人們不喜歡扮演壞人的角色。
- Cox originally read to play the part of Rachel. 考克斯原本在劇中要扮演瑞秋這個角色,甚至讀完了劇本。
- She played the part of the mother-in-law. 她扮演婆婆。
- I'd love to play the part of the shop assistant. 我想扮演商店服務員。
- He often plays the part of the villain. 他經常扮演反面人物。
- You are much too thin to play the part of Falstaff. 你太瘦了,不能演福爾塔夫這個角色。
- In the opera he plays the part of an old fisherman. 他在戲里扮一位老漁翁。
- I can play the part of good passerby's role haed . 莪會努仂扮演莪恏蕗亼啲桷銫
- He played the part of a father in the play. 他在劇中飾演父親。
- The thought of Big Dave playing the part of the Christmas fairy really tickled my ribs. 一想到比格·戴夫扮演的聖誕節仙人的角色,實在使我覺得好笑。
- Mary,who play the part of the dancer,doubled as her mother. 扮演舞蹈家的瑪麗同時兼演她的媽媽。
- She is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl. 她扮演少女的角色年齡太大了一點。
- He played the part of old people very well. 他飾老頭兒很出色。
- Mary, who played the part of the dancer, doubled as her mother. 扮演舞蹈家的瑪麗同時兼演她的媽媽。
- Played the part of the martyr to a fare-thee-well. 殉道這部分演得真是到家了