- Bits of plaster rained down on our heads from the ceiling. 石灰屑像雨點似地從天花板上落到我們的頭上。
- He felt an aching feeling in (the pit of) his stomach. 他胃疼。
- Bits of plaster rained down on their heads from the ceiling, filling their hair and eyes. 灰泥從天花板上碎落到他們頭上,弄得他們滿頭滿眼全是。
- I have a pain in the pit of my stomach. 我心窩痛。
- Our heads were showered with bits of plaster from the ceiling. 灰泥雨點般地從天花板上落到我們頭上。
- She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. 她感到心窩一陣緊揪。
- She felt the pit of her stomach fall away. 她覺得她的肚子瘦癟下去。
- A tool for smoothing the surface of plaster or cement. 灰泥鏝刀一種用來拋光灰泥或水泥的工具
- It gave him a feeling of lead at the pit of his stomach. 他覺得真象一槍打進了肚皮。
- He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. 他內心深處突然有一種不祥之感。
- Eyes glowing red, jewels from the pit of hell itself. 眼裡放著紅光,如同萬丈深淵裡的兩顆寶石。
- The paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster. 那些畫被隱藏在厚厚的灰泥層下面。
- I doubled up with pain when he struck me in the pit of my stomach. 他一拳打在我心窩兒里,痛得我半天直不起腰來。
- A preparation of plaster of Paris and glue used as a base for low relief or as a surface for painting. 熟石膏粉供繪畫或作淺層浮雕表面用的混有膠水的熟石膏製劑
- The final coat of plaster applied to walls and ceilings. 用在牆壁和天花板上的灰泥的外層。
- A rigid board made of layers of fiberboard or paper bonded to a gypsum plaster core, used instead of plaster or wood panels in construction to form walls. 石膏灰泥板,灰膠紙柏板由石膏灰泥作芯板結合幾層纖維板或紙漿板製成的硬板,在建築中用於代替灰泥或木板來建造牆壁
- Our fathers had a Paris of stone; our sons will have one of plaster. 我們祖先建造了一座堅石巴黎,而到了我們子孫,它將成為一座石膏巴黎了。
- He had an excited lost feeling in the pit of his chest. 他胸膛里湧起了一陣激動而又不知所措的感覺。
- Zeus: I banish you to the darkest pits of Tartarus! 宙斯:我要讓你們在冥界暗無天日的深淵消亡。
- The stone or pit of certain fruits such as the peach or cherry. 小核果的核桃或櫻桃等水果的果核