- Don't pin your faith on their promise. 不要相信他們的諾言。
- Don't pin your faith on his promises,he is known to be a rogue. 不要相信他的許諾,他是個有名的惡棍。
- Don't pin your faith on his promises; he is known to be a spiv. 不要相信他的承諾,大家都知道他是個騙子。
- Don't pin your faith on his promises; he is known to be a rogue. 不要相信他的承諾;大家都知道他是個不誠實的人。
- Don't pin your faith on his promises, he is known to be a rogue. 不要相信他的許諾,他是個有名的惡棍。
- pin one's faith onv. 把全部信心寄託於
- This dot indicates where pin one is located on the bottom of the processor. 這個小點是用來指示針一處於處理器底部何位置。
- In my old griefs, and with my childhood\'s faith. 愛你,以昔日的劇痛和童年的忠誠,
- He pinned his faith on an absurdity. 他迷信荒唐
- Some pinned their faith on the emergence of a new national leader, others on a religious revival. 一些人相信會出現一個新的國家領導人,而另一些人則相信宗教復興。
- The Republicans are pinning their faith on their newly chosen leader to bring them victory in the next election. 共和黨人完全信任新選出的領導人能在下屆選舉中為他們贏得勝利。
- LEWIS WOLPERT's faith in the predictive power of the genome is misplaced. Lewis Wolpert竟然寄希望於基因真是異想天開。
- They oughtn't to have pinned their faith on such a man. 他們本不該信賴這樣一個人的。
- In addition, this event may indicate that the user has reset their PIN one or more times. 此外,此事件可能表示用戶一次或多次重置了其PIN。
- And from then on David pinned his faith on revolution. 從那時起,戴維就把他的全部信心寄托在革命上了。
- Now look at the socket on the motherboard: this socket should have a missing hole or should have a 1 indicating pin one. 現在看看主板上的插座:這個插座應該有一個缺孔或者有一個1暗示了針1。
- Is there no longer any feeling in man『s Faith? Sade are you diabolical or divine? 薩德;你告訴我,你究竟是聖徒,還是惡魔?.
- I believed it was a real worthy trip for all of us and we would become JA's faith fans. 相信這次來聽課的同學,都不虛此行,並且會成為JA課程的忠實聽眾。
- Sade tell me why blood for pleasure? Pleasure without love? Is there no longer any feeling in man『s Faith? 薩德,告訴我,你在追尋什麼?是錯誤中的公正?還是墮落中的美德?
- Pleasure without love?Is there no longer any feeling in man『s Faith?Sade are you diabolical or divine? 薩德,告訴我,為什麼要為了那種因無愛而存在的**血流成河?