- It is a bad form to pick one's teeth in public. 在公眾前剔牙是一種不良習慣。
- It is bad form to pick one's teeth in public . 公開剔牙很失禮。
- It is bad form to pick one's teeth in public. 在大庭廣眾中剔牙是不雅的。
- Trucks, and pick one of their own! 挑一個自己順眼的吧。
- Pick one to proceed with your search. 請選擇其中一個以繼續進行搜索。
- OA: Pick one and quit whining, maybe? 也許,你該停止抱怨然後選一樣?
- It's a bad habit to pick one's teeth. 剔牙是壞習慣。
- It's bad form to pick one's teeth in public. 在公共場合剔牙很失禮。
- OA:Pick one and quit whining,maybe? 也許,你該停止抱怨然後選一樣?
- Play it safe - pick one partner. 還是小心謹慎,選擇一個吧。
- Congrats!I gotta pick one up too.Keep it up! 不過說來慚愧;我只有聼過你一首歌...
- If that』s you, pick one day a week, perhaps, to do all of your most inane tasks. 如果你屬於這類人,那麼可能的話,就每星期找一天來做所有最無聊的工作。
- "Both players are training hard and playing well so it\'s a difficult decision to pick one of them to partner Sami," he said. 每一名球員在訓練中都很刻苦;表現也很不錯;很難決定哪一位來作為本場比賽海皮亞的搭檔.
- Pick one plant to water every few days as it''s soil dries out and it needs it.Pick one plant to leave alone- put no water in the soil of this plant. 自己挑好其中一株植物,每隔幾天或只要它的土壤變干時就給它噴些水,而另一株植物就任其自然-一直不補充水份。
- Exaggeratedly 「friendly」 (in that fashion) or useful: Pick one. 誇張的「友善」(以那種方式)還是有用的幫助:你自己選擇吧。
- Chapter five, advance the development level of the artifactitious trade of farm produce, turn it"s step to labour force predominance from resource inferior position. 第五章,提高農產品加工業發展水平,從資源劣勢向勞動力優勢轉化。
- You can pick one up in the advising office, New Building 116. 你可以在新教學樓116-課程指導辦公室拿到學校簡介。
- Pick one event and play it back in your head a few times. 選一個事件,在你的頭腦里來回的播放它一段時間。
- Johnny, if you want me to buy you a toy, then pick one out now. 錢寧,如果你要我買個玩具給你,現在就去挑一個吧!
- It is a bad habit to pick one's ears with an earpick. 經常用耳勺子掏耳朵,不是好習慣。