- He told the photographers to stop pestering him. 他告訴照相的人別再纏著他。
- He dug out a faded photograph and showed it to me. 他找出一張褪了色的照片拿給我看。
- She left amid a swarm of photographers. 她離開時一群攝影記者圍著她。
- The photograph was backed with cardboard. 照片背面襯上了一層紙板。
- I planned to enlarge this photograph. 我計劃放大這張照片。
- Have you seen my photograph in the newspaper? 你看到我在報紙上的照片了嗎?
- I'd like to enlarge a photograph. 我想放大一張照片。
- Stand still while I am taking your photograph. 我幫你拍照時站著不要動。
- He took a photograph of the child. 他給那孩子拍了一張照片。
- The photograph brings back many pleasant memories. 這張照片使人回想起許多愉快的往事。
- I snapped a nice photograph of her. 我給她拍了一張很好的快照。
- That photograph is not sharp enough. 那張照片不夠清晰。
- I took a photograph of my girl friend. 我給女朋友拍了張照片。
- Stand still while I take your photograph. 我給你拍照時,站著不要動。
- May I ask for a photograph of Mr. Lee? 我能要一張李先生的照片嗎?
- A photograph requiring magnification for viewing. 微型照片放大后才看得清楚的照片
- Serum Specific IgE Analysis in Atopic Dermatitis. 遺傳過敏性皮炎血清特異性IgE分析。
- He suffers lichenoid dermatitis. 他患苔癬狀皮膚炎。
- Got dermatitis eczema, how to do? 得了皮炎濕疹,怎麼辦呢?
- What cure method does solstitial dermatitis have? 夏至皮膚炎有什麼醫治方法?