- They are perfectly justified in taking these steps[the action]. 他們採取這些步驟[這一行動]是完全有道理的。
- We have looked into the matter and found that your claim is perfectly justified. 我方已調查此事,發現貴方索賠完全正當。
- He is perfectly justified in criticizing the police commissioner for poorly supervising his department. 他批評警察局長對自己的部門監管不嚴是完全有道理的。
- In the state-owend enterprise, come to gather up of bombazine, screw reoccupy it is model worker, be in household company is perfectly justified. 在國企,把棉紗、螺絲釘收集起來再用一遍是勞模,在家族企業則是天經地義。
- So that a snippy person when asked what he meant by a certain statement might be perfectly justified in saying, 'I meant exactly what I said!'. 翻譯:所以,一個快嘴但不禮貌的人被問到他說的是什麼意思時,一個最好的辯護就是回答:「我的意思就是我剛才說的東西!」
- Come a few years the central scheduling production, thing that unites configuration resource to already became perfectly justified. 幾十年來中央計劃安排生產、統一配置資源已成為天經地義的事。
- Abstract: The seedlings of a nation to accept the influence of their ancestral wisdom,it is perfectly justified and undisputable. 摘 要: 教一個民族的幼苗去接受其祖先智慧的熏陶,是天經地義、無可厚非的事。
- The lynching photographs were souvenirs of a collective action whose participants felt perfectly justified in what they had done. 這些私刑的照片是一項集體行動的紀念品,這項行動的參與者認為自己的所作所為絕對合乎正義。
- If, as the prevailing school requites, we assume a universal union or confederation of all nations as the guarantee for an everlasting peace, the principle of international free trade seems to be perfectly justified. 如果象流行學派所提出的那樣,我們的確有一個包括一切國家在內的世界聯盟作為持久和平的保證,那麼伺際自由貿易原則似乎是完全正確的。
- If,as the prevailing school requites,we assume a universal union or confederation of all nations as the guarantee for an everlasting peace,the principle of international free trade seems to be perfectly justified. 如果象流行學派所提出的那樣,我們的確有一個包括一切國家在內的世界聯盟作為持久和平的保證,那麼自由貿易原則似乎是完全正確的。
- In the democracy society because it can lift the beautiful flag of democracy the suppress fewness man is perfectly justifiable. 在民主社會,權力來自大多數人,但由於打起了民主的漂亮幌子,對少數人的壓制就更顯得名正言順了。
- 4.So that a snippy person when asked what he meant by a certain statement might be perfectly justified in saying, 'I meant exactly what I said!'. 翻譯:所以,一個快嘴但不禮貌的人被問到他說的是什麼意思時,一個最好的辯護就是回答:「我的意思就是我剛才說的東西!」
- You needn't labor a point that is perfectly plain. 這點很明顯,你用不著講個沒完。
- The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture. 窗帘(的顏色)跟傢具(的顏色)十分和諧。
- He can imitate his teacher perfectly. 他能維妙維肖地模仿他的老師。
- The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly. 該藝術家把她那溫柔的笑容表現得惟妙惟肖。
- The artist has caught her smile perfectly. 藝術家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容。
- Her pride in her achievements is justified. 她為自己的成就而自豪,這是理所當然的。
- He is justified in giving up the job. 他有足夠理由放棄這項工作。
- The editors are justified in refusing your work. 那些編輯有充分的理由拒絕你的作品。