- Now the noise and the miscellaneousness are dominating people』s everyday life. 喧鬧和繁雜已然成了現代人生活的主旋律,人和人的碰撞,人和物的摩擦是一門無從逃避的必修課。
- Shirts with Murata』s strong crayon painting tell the stories of Murata』s everyday life in Taipei. 村田以此日本文化為創作起點,在白襯衫背面空間勾勒出他對台北的印象:緊鄰的同種類店面 (電腦街、乾物街、書店街、相機街等)、穿梭街頭的同類機車、元宵節燈火、連綿數日的雨景一件件布滿強烈圖像的襯衫,記錄村田在台北感應的一景一情一物。
- The radio relieves the monotony of everyday life. 收音機緩解了我們日常生活的單調狀況。
- In Sweden, legends exist in people's everyday life. 在瑞典,人們的日常生活中有許多傳說。
- In Sweden, legends exsit in people's everyday life. 在瑞典,人們的日常生活中有許多傳說。
- I can see how English is used in everyday life as well. 我還可以看到在日常生活中是怎樣使用英語的。
- For many people, alas, hunger is part of everyday life. 唉,對很多人來說,挨餓是家常便飯。
- The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient rome. 那部書對古羅馬人的日常生活描寫得很生動。
- This book is about the everyday life of the people in this country. 這本書是關於這個國家人民的日常生活的。
- The film is about the everyday life of the people in the U. S. A. 這是部關於美國人日常生活的電影。
- In everyday life you may sometimes have a brush with other people. 在日常生活中, 你有時會與別人有點小摩擦。
- In everyday life, misunderstanding and even conflicts occur resulting from people"s unawareness of this male and female language and the causes behind it. 事實上,語言之中及其背後都蘊藏著深刻而又複雜的兩性意識,都流淌著兩性語言潛意識的暗流,而性別語言正是這兩條暗流的表現形式。
- There was everyday life before honest Dobbin. 老實的都賓眼前仍舊是現實生活。
- He shows us a great, moving picture of everyday life and everyday people. 他向我們展示了一幅日常生活和普通人民的宏大而動人的畫面。
- He got them from his everyday life. 這些都是由日常生活的歷練得來的。
- Though the New Conservatives were against liberalism, they enjoyed fruits of liberalism expanding administration, and extended it to the areas of diplomatism and people』s everyday thinking. 新保守主義者雖然反對自由主義,卻坐享了自由主義擴張行政權的成果,並將其進一步擴大到外交領域和公民思想生活領域;
- Prudence is wisdom in everyday life. 在日常生活中,謹慎就是智慧。
- Everyday life becomes boring by comparison. 相比之下,日常生活枯燥乏味。
- She hated the dreariness of her everyday life. 她討厭平日索然無味的生活。
- The Internet has become part of everyday life. 互聯網已成為日常生活的一部份。