- v. 支付;贏利;受益;付出代價
- n. 薪資;僱用;有良好信用的人
- adj. 要錢的;具有開採價值的
- 償清,償還,付清,償還債務
- 付款,支付,付款給
- 補償
- 有報酬
- 生利
- 受到懲罰,得到報應
- 致以(問候),給予(注意) ,進行(訪問)
- 向...報復
- 把(錢)存入(或轉入)(銀行或銀行賬戶等)
- 對...有利,受益
- 付(代價)
- 發(薪水)
- 在上塗柏油,塗油以防水
- 繳納,交納
- 划算,合算,有利
- 工資,報酬,報償,薪水
- 懲罰,罰
- 支付,付
- 有支付能力的人
- 津貼
- 償還
- 報答
- 報應
- 按期付款的人
- 含有富礦藏的土
- 可採礦石
- 產(石)油地帶
- 秘密工作
- 受雇傭
- vt. & vi. 付給; 付款 give sb money for goods, services, etc.
- vt. 給予 give, e.g. attention, respect, etc. to
- [U]工資 money received for work
something that remunerates;
"wages were paid by check"
"he wasted his pay on drink"
"they saved a quarter of all their earnings"
give money, usually in exchange for goods or services;
"I paid four dollars for this sandwich"
"Pay the waitress, please"
convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow;
"Don't pay him any mind"
"give the orders"
"Give him my best regards"
"pay attention"
cancel or discharge a debt;
"pay up, please!"
bring in;
"interest-bearing accounts"
"How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
do or give something to somebody in return;
"Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
"give thought to"
"give priority to"
"pay attention to"
be worth it;
"It pays to go through the trouble"
"pay a visit"
"pay a call"
bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action;
"You'll pay for this!"
"She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly"
"You'll pay for this opinion later"
make a compensation for;
"a favor that cannot be paid back"
discharge or settle;
"pay a debt"
"pay an obligation"
- I'd like to pay with my credit card.
我想用信用卡支付。 - My firm pays well.
我公司工酬優厚。 - Let me pay for dinner.
晚飯讓我來付。 - You've got to be able to make your business pay well.
你得設法使你的生意贏利。 - It would probably pay you to hire an accountant.
聘一位會計師或許對你有好處。 - They will pay for their arrogance!
他們會為自大付出代價! - He'll have to pay for what he has done.
- He doesn't like that job, but the pay is good.
他不喜歡那工作,但薪水很高。 - The workers in our pay work very hard.
- This is a pay telephone.
這是繳費電話。 - There is a pay streak here.
- pay back (v.+adv.)
報復take revenge on
- pay down (v.+adv.)
即時支付,付定金,先付部分款give partial payment at the time of purchase and agree to pay the rest installments
pay sth ⇔ downHow much did you have to pay down on the car?
- pay for (v.+prep.)
替某人付款 give money to sb for sb
pay for sthHow much did you pay for the book?
I haven't paid yet for this suit.
You pay for it at the time you order it.
I pay weekly for my board and lodging.
We got to the hotel, and I paid for the taxi.
pay sb/sth for sthI have to pay 150 yuan for the sewing machine.
He was promptly paid for it.
pay for sthLet me pay for the broken window.
pay for sthYou'll have to pay for your crime.
He paid dearly for his mistake.
He paid for his negligence by losing his job.
Loss of health is too high a price to pay for success in your studies.
pay for sbI'll pay for her, and you'll pay yourself.
- pay in (v.+adv.)
把錢(支票)存入銀行make a deposit with a bank or pay cheque into the bank
pay sth ⇔ inSubscriptions to these magazines can be paid in at the post office.
- pay into (v.+prep.)
把錢(支票)存入銀行make a deposit with a bank or pay cheque into the bank
pay sth into sthPlease pay this sum into my wife's account.
His monthly salary is paid into the bank by his employer.
- pay off (v.+adv.)
pay offThe gamble paid off.
The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon.
His patience and hard work finally paid off with a gold medal.
It has been rather costly to install the machine, but it should pay off in the long run.
pay sth ⇔ offIt's a good feeling to pay off the house after all these years.
Once we have paid off the store, we shall not owe money to any one.
All his debt was paid off with cash.
pay sb ⇔ offThey are usually paid off at weekends.
pay sb ⇔ offWhen the building was completed, he paid off the labourers.
The hired hands were paid off at the end of the harvest season.
It is expected that another twenty of their employees will be paid off before long.
pay sb ⇔ offThe shop owner paid off the robbers so that they didn't wreck his shop.
We had to pay off the man who got us the contract, with 15% of the profit.
pay offDid your daring plan pay off?
- pay out (v.+adv.)
懲罰,報復punish; revenge
pay outWhen one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
pay sth ⇔ outWhen you move into a house you really have to start paying out money.
The bank pays out interest on its savings accounts every six months.
pay sth ⇔ outJohn was paid out for the trick he played on James.
- pay up (v.+adv.)
全部還清,付清pay in full
pay upMy goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up.
pay sth ⇔ upEvery club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season.
- in the pay of
受…僱用 employed by sb secretly
- pay a bill 付賬
- pay a deposit 付押金
- pay a price 付出代價
- pay a visit 訪問
- pay an account 付賬
- pay cash 付現款
- pay debt 還債
- pay dues 繳納會費
- pay duties 付關稅
- pay homage 向…致敬
- pay interest 付利息
- pay money 付款
- pay one's membership dues 繳納會費
- pay one's tailor 付款給裁縫
- pay sb's wages 付某人工資
- pay the doctor 酬謝醫生
- pay the fee 繳會費
- pay the penalty 繳納罰金,受罰
- pay the rent 付房租
- pay the taxes 付稅金
- pay the train fare 支付火車票費用
- pay adequately 充分地給予
- pay annoyingly 憤怒地給予
- pay annually 每年一次地給予
- pay cheerfully 興高采烈地給予
- pay conscientiously 誠心誠意地給予
- pay courteously 有禮貌地給予
- pay curiously 不尋常地給予
- pay deliberately 有意地給予
- pay eagerly 熱心地給予
- pay exorbitantly 極其過分地給予
- pay extemporaneously 臨時給予
- pay fairly 公平地給予
- pay freely 隨意給予
- pay grudgingly 勉強給予
- pay handsomely 付錢慷慨,給錢很多
- pay heavily 重重給予
- pay highly 付錢慷慨,給錢很多
- pay incautiously 輕易給予
- pay incessantly 不斷給予
- pay indiscriminately 不加區分地給予
- pay ingeniously 巧妙地給予
- pay irrelevantly 不相關地給予
- pay logically 情理之中地給予
- pay moderately 適度地給予
- pay morally 有道德地給予
- pay punctually 準時給予
- pay regularly 定期地給予
- pay reluctantly 勉強給予
- pay roundly 嚴厲地給予
- pay selectively 有選擇地給予
- pay seriously 嚴肅地給予
- pay unanimously 一致給予
- pay unconditionally 無條件給予
- pay unhappily 不愉快地給予
- pay unhesitatingly 毫不猶豫地給予
- pay unkindly 非善意地給予
- pay unnecessarily 不必要地給予
- pay unreservedly 爽快地給予
- pay untimely 過早地給予
- pay away 付掉
- pay back 償還,報答,向…報復
- pay back debt 付清欠債
- pay down 用現金支付,當場支付
- pay down debt 即時付清欠債
- pay off 付清,償清
- pay off loan 還清貸款
- pay sb off without notice 未事先通知就解僱某人
- pay out 付出,對(某人)進行報復
- pay up 全部付清
- pay up debt 付清欠債
- pay at rate 按利率支付
- pay by check 用支票支付
- pay by installments 分期付款
- pay by year 拿年薪
- pay for articles 付貨款
- pay for book 付書款
- pay for education 支付某人的教育費用
- pay in advance 預付
- pay in cash 以現款支付
- pay in full 全部付清
- pay in instalments 分期付款
- pay in kind 以實物支付
- pay in money 付現款
- pay into 存入…(賬戶)
- pay into pension fund 把錢交入退休基金
- pay on delivery 貨到付款
- accept pay 接受薪水
- advance pay 預支薪水
- affect pay 影響工資
- attach pay 扣發薪金
- attain pay 取得薪金
- back pay 欠薪
- boost pay 提高工資
- collect pay 領工資
- cut down pay 削減工資,降低工資
- deduct pay 扣發工資
- distribute pay 分發工資
- dock sb's pay 扣(減)某人的工資
- draw pay 支領薪水
- earn a pay 掙工資
- freeze pay 凍結工資
- get pay 得到工資
- increase pay 增加薪水
- live on pay 靠薪金收入生活
- make pay 掙工資
- negotiate pay 協商薪金的數目
- offer pay 提供薪水
- pay out the pay 發薪水
- pull down pay 拿薪水
- pull in pay 拿薪水
- raise pay 加薪
- receive pay 支領薪水
- reduce pay 減少工資
- refuse pay 拒收工資
- seek higher pay 想得到更高的工資
- stop pay 停發工資
- take pay 領工資
- adequate pay 足夠的工資
- annual pay 年薪
- average pay 平均工資
- bad pay 低微的工資
- basic pay 基本工資
- daily pay 日薪,日工資
- decent pay 相當不錯的工資
- double pay 雙倍的工資
- fair pay 相當金額的工資
- fixed pay 固定工資
- floating pay 浮動工資
- good pay 高薪
- high pay 高薪
- living pay 能維持普通家庭生活的工資,最低生活工資
- low pay 低薪,低工資
- lucrative pay 容易賺的工資
- maximum pay 法定最高限度工資
- meager pay 微薄的工資
- minimum pay 法定最低限度工資
- net pay 凈得工資
- nominal pay 名義工資
- poor pay 微薄的工資
- real pay 實際工資
- reasonable pay 合理的工資
- regular pay 固定工資
- sick pay 病假津貼
- subsistent pay 維持最低生活的工資
- take-home pay 實得的工資(指扣除稅金等的餘額)
- weekly pay 周薪,周工資
- board pay 伙食工資
- overtime pay 加班費
- severance pay 遣散費
- starvation pay 不夠伙食開銷的工資
- strike pay 罷工津貼
- pay freeze 工資凍結
- pay scale 工資等級
- pay system 工資制度
- at pay 付款
- for pay 為了報酬
- in pay of 豢養下的,…御用下的,被…收買的
- on pay 領薪
- under pay 由誰付酬
- with pay 帶薪
- without pay 無酬的,名譽的
- pay for 用於…的酬金
With statutory incomes controls abolished, both consultants and GPs were getting restive about their pay.
出自: B. Castle -
Jones certainly earned his pay.
出自:Jazz Blues -
She must have been receiving wages from some source for he paid her none.
出自: G. Greene -
'Have them on me,' she said, when we tried to pay her.
出自: B. Trapido -
A three-year contract that will pay him $16.25 million.
出自:Sporting News