- EEC did not correlate with PV patients' serum Epo levels( r=0.518,P =0.125). EEC與血清Epo水平無相關性 (r =0 .;5 18;P =0
- There are lots of literatures about the change of correlated cytokine to vitiligo patients serum have been reported. 細胞因子在細胞之間傳遞信息,調節細胞的生理過程,提高機體的免疫力。
- Methods Sensitinogen was investigated through epidemiological methods, inhalation sensitinogen screen tests of patients serum were analysed. 方法通過流行病學調查查找致敏原,對患者血清的吸入組過敏原篩查試驗結果進行分析。
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the directional differentiation of BMSCs into hepatocytes with alcohol-hepatocirrhosis patient serum. 目的:探討在酒精性肝硬化患者血清誘導條件下,人骨髓間充質幹細胞向肝細胞樣細胞的定向分化情況。
- Zhao W.-J., Niu F.-L., Liu S.-R., Liu W. Alcohol-hepatocirrhosis patient serum induces the differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into hepatocytes. 曾榮,胡資兵,郭偉韜,林顥,孫欣,吳少科,魏勁松依達拉奉體外定向誘導人間充質幹細胞向神經元樣細胞的分化
- The result shows that :as the time prolonged, the patients serum contents of SOD increase gradually (P<0.001),those of PGI2 increase gradually (P<0.01) and those of TXB2 decrease gradually (P<0.001). 結果表明:腦內血腫術後患者隨著光量子治療時間的延長,其血清SOD含量遞增(P<0.;001),PGI2含量遞增(P<0
- Many studies have comfirmed that subclinical hypothyroidism may affect patients serum lipid levels, cardiovascular system , neuromuscular system, mental state, ability of birth and so on. 許多研究已證實,這種狀態下患者的血脂、心血管系統,神經肌肉功能、精神狀況以及生育能力等均會受到不利影響,對高危人群的篩查及有針對性地行甲狀腺激素替代治療是必要的。
- Objective To compare the clinical outcome of study on PCOS women treated by IVM of oocytes maturated in two different IVM media, which include patient serum or human follicular fluid. 目的 通過自體血清和人成熟卵泡液來源的兩種不同IVM培養系統對PCOS不孕患者行IVM治療的病例對照研究,比較兩者的臨床結局。
- The results were compared with that of test kit of Euroimmune company. Result The PDC-E2 and PDC-E3 binding protein were effectively expressed, which could exactly identify the specific self-antibody in PBC patient serum. 結果 顯示PDC-E2和PDC-E3BP表達產物檢測PBC患者血清中的自身抗體陽性率為93.;3%25;與歐盟試劑盒比較;總符合率為98
- Previously we found that DHF patients』 sera contain higher titer against TNF receptor families, including TRAIL-R1 (DR4). 先前我們的研究中發現DHF病人血清中能交互作用到腫瘤壞死因子群中的DR4。
- Pervious study in our laboratory showed that in SARS patient sera, there were autoantibodies that reacted with human lung epithelial cells. 實驗室先前的研究發現SARS病人的血清中有自體抗體的存在並且這種抗體可以與人類的肺上皮細胞發生交互作用。
- Evaluation of Bias from Patients Serum in Two Analyser Systems 兩個生化檢測系統分析測定偏倚的評估
- Obese patients are advised to change their diet. 建議肥胖病人改變飲食。
- This hospital has accommodation for 200 patients. 這家醫院有二百個病人床位。
- The analysis and significance of EPO in liverish patient serum 肝病患者血清促紅細胞生成素含量分析及意義
- The nurse visits patients in their homes. 護士對病人進行家訪。
- The hospital cares for some fifty mental patients. 這家醫院照料五十名左右精神病患者。
- These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson. 這些病人由威爾遜醫生治療。
- Drugs can make violent patients controllable. 麻醉藥可使狂躁病人安靜下來。
- The nurse had great compassion for her patients. 那位護士十分同情她的病人。