- Operation notarization is a paper form that is patient s informed consent, and it is not a contract of survival and death between doctor and patient. 手術公證是患者知情同意的書面表現形式,而非醫患之間簽定的「生死」合同。
- A most familiar ethic problem is subject s informed consent in scientific and technological contributions of biomedical journal. 生物醫學期刊來稿中最常見的倫理學問題就是受試者「知情同意」的問題。
- How can truly informed consent be achieved? 怎樣真正達到知情同意?
- Informed Consent for Diagnostic Genetic Testing. 基因診斷測試的知情同意。
- Who is entitled to xercise the right of informed consent: the patient or his next of kin? 由誰來行使知情同意的權利:患者還是家屬?
- Patient recruitment materials, informed consent documents, and all handouts and other study materials must be written at a low-literacy level. 受試者的招聘資料、知情同意書以及所有的書面材料及學習資料的撰寫都應該適應患者的文化水平。
- Informed Consent is concept with rich ethical implication. 知情同意概念含有豐富的倫理內涵。
- Amnivcentesis should be done by a physician skilled in the technique, after the patient has had appropriate counseling and has given her informed consent. 進行羊膜穿刺術應在病人經過適當的諮詢,並得到病人同意后,由技術熟練的醫生進行。
- Amniocentesis should be done by a physician skilled in the technique, after the patient has had appropriate counseling and has given her informed consent. 進行羊膜穿刺術應在病人經過適當的諮詢,並得到病人同意后,由技術熟練的醫生進行。
- However,the author thinks that the current law can resolve right conflicts between patient's right of informed consent and right of life and health with necessity syst... 運用緊急避險制度,可以使醫院在單方面施行手術積極挽救患者生命的同時免於承擔侵犯患者及其家屬知情同意權的法律責任。
- WIPO's on-going work in that area should be conducted expeditiously to reach an international legally-binding instrument incorporating the principles of prior informed consent, equality and benefit sharing. WIPO正在進行的工作應迅速地被引導取得一種與國際法律一致的工具,把預先知情同意、平等和利益分享的原則結合起來。
- Efforts are being made to improve patient services in order to meet the needs of residents through the introduction of an informed consent system and the establishment of women-only clinics. 並通過廣泛徵詢意見體系和建立婦女專門會診,努力改善對患者的服務,滿足居民的需要。
- Respecting for patient autonomy is the base of informed consent in clinical anaesthestic practice.Informed consent reflects a moral compromise between patient autonomy and medical paternalism. 臨床麻醉工作中,尊重患者自主權是知情同意的基礎,知情同意反映了患者自主權與醫學干涉主義之間的相互妥協。
- Informed consents were obtained from patients. 入選標準:年齡 <65歲;
- The customer shall not reproduce other』s information for resale and reloading. 有擅自複製他人信息轉售、轉載情事者。
- Informed consent on the base of trust not only represents the best patient autonomy but also respects medical paternalism in order to maximize service provision of patient welfare. 在信任基礎上的知情同意,是患者自主權的最佳體現,也是對醫學干涉主義的尊重,從而為患者的利益提供服務。
- Broad privacy laws must therefore be enacted to forbid genetic tests without the informed consent of the individual involved. 所以必須制定廣泛的隱私保護法以禁止任何未經當事人正式認可的基因檢測。
- The ECIC's information technology system was thoroughly tested and confirmed to be Year 2000 compliant. 年內,信保局全面測試其電腦資訊系統,並證實可順利過渡公元二千年。
- A final study population of 44 participants (male and female) began the study following informed consent. 最終44名(男性和女性)志願者參加了研究並得到後面通報的結果。
- The informed consent must be the program and formalities in dermatoglyphics research. 知情同意是膚紋學研究中必須要存在的程序和手續。