- Vince is a natural generalization of chromatic number. Vince定義的星著色數推廣了一般的著色數的定義 .
- It is not easy to see that there are triangle-free graphs of large chromatic number. 很不容易看出這裡是否存在色數很大而沒有三角形的圖。
- The concept of the relaxed game chromatic number of graphs was introduced by Chou, Wang and Zhu in [21]. 一個圖的鬆弛競賽色數是由周,王,朱在[21]中提出的,並且它在圖論中是極其有意義的。
- The adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number of Subdivision of Fn,Wn,Km,n was got in this paper. 對扇,輪,完全二部圖作了簡單的剖分,得到了它們的剖分圖,並得到了其剖分圖的鄰點可區別全色數
- This paper discusses the upper chromatic number of the Cartesian product of co-hypergraphs. 討論反超圖的笛卡兒積的著色理論,求出了滿足一定條件的反超圖的笛卡兒積的上色數。
- The coloring problems are often discussed in many papers. Many papers are concerned with finding algorithms to reduce the chromatic number of graphs. 著色問題在許多論文中常被探討,而這些論文最主要是找到好的演演算法,來降低圖形的最小著色數。
- The total chromatic number of a kind of graph have been got in this article.is a star and is a complete equal 2-partite graph. 作者單位:蘭州交通大學;蘭州交通大學86信箱甘肅蘭州;西北第二民族學院信息與計算科學系寧夏銀川;86信箱甘肅蘭州
- The circular chromatic number of a graph is a natural generalization of the chromatic number of a graph introduced by Vince in 1988 under the name " the star chromatic number " . 一個圖G的圓色數x_c(G)是圖G的色數x(G)的自然推廣,最初是由Vince於1988年以「星色數」的定義提出來的。
- The game chromatic number of a graph was introduced by Bodlaender[1] Recently, Chou, Wang and Zhu put forward a new concept-the relaxed game chromatic number of graph in [2]. 一個圖的競賽色數是由Bodlaender[1]首次提出的。 最近,周,王,朱在文獻[2]中提出了鬆弛競賽色數的概念,此概念在圖論中佔有很重要的地位。
- The problem about the minimum number of edges is discussed and an upper bound of the minimum number of edges of 3-unifomi C-hypergraphs with upper chromatic number 2 is given. 摘要討論了3一致C超圖的最小邊數問題,給出了上色數為2的3一致C超圖的最小邊數的一個上界。
- The company now has five multi-color intaglio printing machine and a hot transfer printed cloth production lines, printing chromatic number to seven-color maximum. 公司目前擁有五台多色凹版印刷機和一條熱轉移印布生產線,印刷色數最大可至七色。
- The collection of relevant materials helps to get some relevant knowledge.The theoretical knowledge of Chromatic number is put into practice on the foundation of this method. 有關資料的收集,幫助獲得了一些相關的知識.;在此方法的基礎上將色數的有關理論知識應用到實際生活中去
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他們在荒原中開闢出一條路。
- We shall present some of the basic properties of the vertex and edge chromatic numbers. 我們將介紹頂點色數和邊色數的一些基本性質。
- A dynamic coloring of a graph is a new concept which is introduced by Bruce Montgomery in 2001.This paper proves that the dynamic chromatic number of Halin graphs and Series-Parallel which is not 5-cycle is not more than four. 圖的動態著色是BruceMontgomery於2001年引入的一個新概念。 本文分別證明了Halin圖和非5圈的Series Parallel圖的動態色數都不超過4。
- She squelched along the muddy path. 她沿著泥濘小徑格吱格吱地走。
- In this paper we characterize completely the entire chromatic numbers of all outerplane graphs with maximum degree 4. 完全刻劃了所有最大度為4的外平面圖的完備色數。
- He was destined to plod the path of toil. 他註定要在艱辛的道路上跋涉。
- The star chromatic number x*(G) of a graph G(sometimes it is also called circular chromatic number Xc(G)) is a natural generation of the chromatic number x(G) of a graph. It was first defined by Vince in [1]. 圖G的星色數x~*(G)(亦稱圈色數);是G的色數x(G)的一個自然推廣;它最早由Vince在文獻[1]中提出.
- The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. 這條小道通向一座沒有草木的小山。