- The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola. 這條街太窄,大型貨車不能通過。
- The old man thumpes noisily along the passage. 那老人沿著過道步履沉重地走著。
- This passage is concisely phrased. 這段話措辭簡練。
- Boil down the passage to about two hundred words. 把這段文字壓縮到二百字左右。
- We discovered a secret passage behind the wall. 我們在牆后發現了一個秘密通道。
- The passage is entirely silted up. 水道完全被淤泥堵塞了。
- I selected a passage from Milton. 我從密爾頓的作品中選出一段。
- Demand is outstripping current production. 現在需求逐漸超過了生產能力。
- This passage may be given several interpretations. 這段文字可以有不同的解釋。
- She broadcasts on current affairs. 她發表時事廣播演說。
- The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 機動車禁止通行。
- Our language goes current along the seacoast. 我們的語言通用於沿海一帶。
- Mind out (of the way) you're blocking the passage. 讓讓(路)--你擋道了。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在銀行開立一個活期帳戶。
- The river has scour out a passage in the sand. 這條河在沙土中衝出一條水道。
- I'd like to open a current account with you. 我想在你們這兒開一個活期存款帳戶。
- He knew the passage like the palm of his hand. 他對這條航線了如指掌。
- He made some comments on current topics. 他對時事問題做了若干的評論。
- The police kept a clear passage for the traffic. 警方使來往車輛暢通無阻。
- The swimmer was swept away by the current. 那個游泳的人被激流捲走了。