- People pass different judgements on him. 人們對他褒貶不一。
- The society passes different judgement on familial enterprises, but it has not disappeared, some still develop rapidly. 同時又面臨著種種難以超越的發展局限與障礙,迫切需要改革。
- Judical practice in foreign countries also make different judgements on this problem, which reflects the changes on legislation of marital rape. 在國外司法實踐界判決結果也是不同,反映了婚內強姦立法上的變化。
- He passed judgement on the guilty man. 他對那個罪犯做出了裁決。
- Pass judgement on me and give him what he wants. 對我宣吧,把想要得的東西給他。
- How dare you sit in judgement on me? 你怎麽敢對我妄加評論?
- It's not for me to pass judgement on your behaviour. 我無權評判你的行為作風。
- The court will pass judgement on Mike this afternoon. 法院將在今天下午對邁克作判決。
- Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants. 對我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的東西給他。
- Pass judgement on meq and give Shylock what he wants. 對我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的東西給他。
- The court pronounced judgement on the prisoner. 法庭宣布對罪犯的判決。
- He passed judgement on the accused man. 他對被告做出了判決。
- How dare you sit in judgement on me ? 你怎麼敢對我妄加評論?
- He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. 他後來把自己的錯誤判斷歸咎於時差反應。
- He blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. 他把自己的判斷失誤歸咎於時差綜合症。
- You should base a judgement on the fact. 你應該以某事實為依據進行判斷.
- We are not to sit in judgement on one another. 我們不能相互評價。
- I now pronounce judgement on the issue. 我現在宣布對這一問題的意見。
- I have great respect for his judgement on most matters. 我十分尊重他對大多數問題的判斷。
- I do not feel that I have the necessary knowledge to pass judgement on a work of modern art. 我覺得自己不具備評論現代藝術作品所必需的知識。