- Owned by the Liao family of the Qing Dynasty. 是清代一戶姓廖人家的住宅。
- The Mukden Palace was the palace of the Qing Dynasty emperors before they conquered the rest of China and moved their capital to Beijing. 瀋陽故宮是清朝皇帝入主中原並遷都北京前居住的皇宮。
- the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty in Shenyang 瀋陽故宮
- The Palace Museum used to be the imperial palace of the Ming and the Qing, the last two dynasties of China. 故宮原來為中國最後的王朝明清兩代的皇宮。
- The Palace Museum was also known as the Forbidden City. It was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. 故宮亦叫"紫禁城",是明、清兩朝的皇宮。
- On the Books Stored in the Antique House in the Palace of the Qing Dynasty 清代宮廷的古董房藏書
- Coral Articles in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮珊瑚器
- Carpets in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮地毯
- Jewelley in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮珠寶
- The fable of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 九、元明清時期寓言。
- Weapons in Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮兵器
- women in the palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮女性
- Clocks and Watches in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮鐘錶
- Potted Landscapes in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮盆景
- Articles Multiple-jewel Inlays in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮百寶嵌
- Tanggu district was also a side of the palace of culture! 塘沽區文化宮側面還有一家!
- Articles Multiple-jewel Inlays in the Palaces of the Qing Dynasty 清宮百寶嵌
- The first scene of the play is the king's palace. 劇中的第一個場景是王宮。
- Sure. The palace Museum is the official name given by the Government. of new China to the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. 當然,故宮博物院是後來新中國政府定的,明、清兩朝皇家宮殿的官方名稱。
- The doors of the palace were made of beaten gold. 宮殿的門由金箔做成。