- painstaking and meticulous work 辛苦而精細的工作
- The local people were painstaking and built a national park. 當地人民經過苦幹,建起了一個公園。
- To learn is rather a painstaking and persevering business. 最重要的因素,這個人自己努力。
- Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused. 她的練習將非常慢、非常艱辛並且錯誤百出。
- Modeling neat, woodiness grain clarity and meticulous. 器物造型規整,木質縝密,紋路清晰。
- Being responsible and meticulous; with the work is a must. 認真、細緻、負責的工作態度是必備條件。
- He had a bumper wheat harvest after a year's intensive and meticulous farming. 一年來的精耕細作,他種的小麥獲得了豐收。
- Developing production must not remain just an idea. It requires correct policies and meticulous organization. 發展生產,不能是一個空洞的口號,而需要正確的政策和精細的組織工作。
- Only a painstaking and thorouth analysis of weft stoppages can ensure accurate identification of the cause and rapid elimination. 只有對緯停故障進行全面、系統的分析,才能保證正確判別緯停的原因,並迅速排除故障。
- To learn is rather a painstaking and persevering business.Many a man is a failure because he cannot bear such indispensable hardships. 學習是件相當艱苦和持久的任務,許多人失敗了,因為他們無法忍受這種不可少的艱辛。
- I am able to endure painstaking and hard work,good at drawing the lesson from the experience, well team-conscious, sedate in personality. 能吃苦耐勞;並能從經歷中吸收經驗.;有團隊合作精神。
- Painstaking and cultivated long Shenzhen city innovation of 10 years invests a group (next weighing " achieve greatly cast " ) the season that arrived to harvest eventually. 辛苦耕耘了十年之久的深圳市創新投資集團(下稱「深創投」)終於到了收穫的季節。
- She was a widow in her early thirties, clean, straightforward, energetic and meticulous. 她是三十二三歲的寡婦,乾淨,爽快,做事麻利又仔細。
- Both nice materials and meticulous tailoring are essential to make good-quality clothes. 質量好的服裝不但需要好面料,而且有賴於細心縫製。
- Professional and meticulous service, know your needs, so that you feel the warm home. 專業細緻的服務,洞悉您的各種需求,讓您感受家的溫馨。
- Sheng Maolin frankly told about how to expand the work of democracy by his careful and meticulous thinking. 如何擴大幹部工作民主性,盛茂林侃侃而談,思考得縝密而細緻。
- Surgical operation and meticulous post-operative cares are needed for a favorable outcome. 想為此類患者爭取較為樂觀的預后,手術治療及細緻的術后治療是必須的。
- Master Jin,your research is very professional and meticulous,we benefit from you,we admire you very much!!! 金總的研究真是專業和細緻啊,使人受益匪淺,的確佩服!!!
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實,你必須面對它。