- For example, during World War II, then Princess Elizabeth II after the bombing in London regardless of danger, in person at the scene to pacify the people, greatly inspired the people』s morale. 比如在二戰期間,當時還是公主的伊麗莎白二世在倫敦大轟炸后不顧危險,親臨現場安撫民眾,極大了地鼓舞了民眾的士氣。
- He tried to pacify the protesters with promise of reform. 他試圖以改革的承諾安撫抗議者。
- To guard the state and pacify the people 護國安民
- More troops were needed to pacify the area. 使該地區恢復和平,需要更多的軍隊。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府應為他的人民負責。
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我認為為人民服務是我的責任。
- The man had the quality for leading the people. 那個人具備領導民眾的才能。
- More troops were sent to pacify the area. 又有部隊派去平息那一地區的騷亂。
- By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people. 他們因犯罪而激起人民的憤怒。
- The sideshows will fetch in the people as well. 幕間穿插的表演同樣可以招徠看客。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 國王們往往都知道怎樣使人們服從他。
- He knew he was running the risk for the people. 他如道,他冒這危險是為了人民。
- He tried to pacify the protesters with promises of reform. 他試圖以改革的承諾安撫抗議者。
- He prefers to go where he can serve the people. 他寧願到能為人民服務的地方去。
- All his life he strove for the good of the people. 他一輩子都為人民的利益而奮鬥。
- The People's Bank made a timely loan to them. 人民銀行及時給了他們貸款。
- The people declare against the war. 人民宣布反對這場戰爭。
- Rumors of war disquieted the people. 戰爭的謝意使人們心感不安。
- The people are yammering for bread. 人們呼喊著要麵包。
- The people are growing weary of the war. 人民對這場戰爭越來越厭倦了。