- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- Your speech has overrun the time limit. 你的演講超過了時間
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亞洲一直在世界經濟中發揮積極作用。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切斷了這個山谷與外界的聯繫。
- Enemy soldiers had overrun the island. 敵軍士兵侵佔了該島。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 牆上有張世界地圖。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我無論如何也不賣那幅畫。
- He wanted to tell the news to the world. 他要把這件事告訴每一個人。
- Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world. 北京廣播電台向全世界播送新聞。
- The airplane overran the runway. 飛機滑行超過跑道。
- Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上沒有十全十美的東西。
- It is love that/which makes the world peaceful. 使世界和平的就是愛。
- The enemy overran the conquered country. 敵人蹂躪那個被征服的國家。
- Li Bai is one of the greatest poets the world over. 李白是舉世最偉大的詩人之一。
- How in the world do you expect me to know him? 你究竟怎麼會想到我認識他呢?
- She holds the world record for the long jump. 她保持著跳遠世界紀錄。
- The news programme overran the allotted time. 新聞節目超出了規定的時間。
- He showed no interest in the world around him. 他對周圍的一切都不感興趣。
- Old Joe went to heaven long before the World. 老喬在第二次世界大戰以前就早已經見上帝去了。
- He went on to talk about the world situation. 他接著又談了談世界形勢。