- In computer graphics, to change the size of all or part of the elements of a display; unless otherwise indicated, enlargement is assumed. 在計算機圖形學中,對所顯示的元素的尺寸作全部或部分改變;一般假定為放大,除非另有註明。
- Bondage Sexual practice in which one of the persons is tied. Consensual unless otherwise indicated. 發生在其中一方是處於捆綁狀態的性行為。發生在雙方同意下成立的關係,否則會有特別註明。
- The drawee must be named or otherwise indicated in a bill with reasonable certainty. 匯票必須載明付款人姓名(名稱)或以其他方法相當確實表明之。
- By a console operator;to press a key or otherwise indicate to an operating system that a message has been received. 控制台操作員以按下某個鍵或其它方式告訴操作系統已經收到某一報文。
- BDSM The story contains both b&d and s&m. Consensual unless otherwise indicated. 包含B&D及S&M的故事。發生在雙方同意下成立的關係,否則會有特別註明。
- The text and images contained on this site are the property of the Pok Oi Hospital except where otherwise indicated. 本網頁的內容,包括文字及圖像,均屬博愛醫院版權所有。
- In computer graphics,to change the size of all or part of the elements of a display; unless otherwise indicated,enlargement is assumed. 在計算機圖形學中,對所顯示的元素的尺寸作全部或部分改變;一般假定為放大,除非另有註明。
- Purity of Water--Unless otherwise indicated, references to water shall be understood to mean water from a city water supply or natural source, including non-potable water. 純凈水-除非另外的被指明,涉及到的水應該被理解為供給城市的水或天然來源的普通水,包括不適用於飲用的水。
- Unless otherwise indicated, the materials found on this site are subject to copyright owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 本網站所載的資料,除註明外,皆受香港特別行政區政府的版權保護。
- Figures in value terms on added value quoted in the Communique are at current prices, whereas growth rates are calculated at comparable prices unless otherwise indicated. 2、本公報中增加值為現價,除註明外,增長速度均按可比價計算。
- Unless otherwise indicated, the fabricator shall install all in-line devices, control panels, and process taps up to and including the primary shutoff valve. 除非另行規定,否則,加工商應安裝所有管線內裝置、控制面板及工藝接頭並包含一級開關閥。
- Pertaining to a type font consisting only of upper case lette rs or only of lower case letters (plus appropriate numbers, punctuation, and symbols). Unless otherwise indicated,"upper case" is understood. 用於說明僅有大寫字母或僅有小寫字母(加上數字、標點符號和其它符號)組成的字體,如沒有其它說明,就是只有大寫字體。
- This edition applies to version 7.0 Of IBM Rational Functional Tester (part number GI11-6751-01) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. 本版本適用於IBM Rational Functional Tester V7.;0(部件號G151-0441-01)及所有後續發行版和修改版;直到在新版本中另有聲明為止。
- Hours of Service under this Agreement shall be the normal working hours, excluding holidays, of ABC's Service Center unless otherwise indicated on the first page of this Agreement. 除非合同首頁特別指明,本合同下的維修服務時間為ABC維修中心的正常工作時間,不包括節假日。
- Data space that is associated with a sequence of consecutive character-aligned addresses. Character strings usually contain text. Unless otherwise indicated, the term string means character string . 字元串:同連貫字元被排列的地址聯繫在一起序列的資料空間。字元串通常包含文本。除非另外說明,期限串意味字元串。
- By a console operator to press a key or otherwise indicate to an operating system that a message has been received. 控制台操作員以按下某個鍵或其它方式告訴操作系統已經收到某一報文。
- Unless otherwise indicated, all system stored procedures return a value of 0 to indicate success and a nonzero value to indicate failure. 除非特別指明,否則所有系統存儲過程返回0值表示成功,返回非零值則表示失敗。
- Some software packaging systems have a place which requires you to click through or otherwise indicate assent to the terms of the GPL. 某些軟體打包系統有一個地方要求你通過單擊按鈕或用別的方法表明你同意GPL的條款。
- IELTS Band Score (Academic Module unless otherwise indicated) 雅思成績(除了學術領域之外,否則都是特殊指明的)
- It infuriated me to read that he had been indicated. 讀到他被控告的消息我火冒三丈。