- How to claim exemption from Property Tax? 怎樣申請豁免物業稅?
- Yes, they are subject to the city property tax. 是的,應該繳納城市房地產稅。
- What about the property tax administration? 不動產稅管理如何?
- Real estate and personal property tax. 不動產和動產稅。
- A locally assessed property tax. 不動產稅地方上徵收的不動產稅
- The property tax is imposed only on real property. 財產稅僅僅對固定資產徵收。
- Property tax is rated at a flat rate. 財產稅以統一的稅率計算。
- How can charitable bodies claim exemption from Property Tax? 慈善團體可怎樣申請豁免物業稅?
- Total tax payable under Property Tax and Salaries Tax is 10,240. 物業稅及薪俸稅合共應徵稅款為10,240。
- In the city center area real pressure and enlarged dual pressure Dahua remain the first choice for many ordinary property buyers throughout the Golconda area now takes center. 在市中心房價壓力和面積放大的雙重壓力下,大華仍然成為眾多普通購房者的首選,在整個寶山地區獨領風騷。
- This squeeze on the market to earn a lot of property sale price differentials based investors to own homes for the purpose of ordinary property buyers have become hesitant. 這一下樓市擠出了不少以賺取房產買賣價差為主的投資者,以自住為目的的普通購房者也變得遲疑。
- Views between :a sharp drop in property tax could allow prices? 觀點交鋒:開徵物業稅能否會讓房價大幅下降?
- With so many houses vacant, the property tax base has crumbled. 空出了這麼多房子,財產稅稅基大幅縮水。
- Alterations decoration property tax value should be the new price. 房產改建裝修增值應按新價計稅。
- The town of Argos will consider additional property tax abatements. 阿哥斯鎮將考慮其他財產減稅。
- How Does the Property Taxes Influence House Prices? 財產稅是如何影響住宅價格的?
- Options of real estate assessment for property tax purposes abound. 適合房地產稅收的房產評估有著豐富的選擇。
- The first is the Property Tax payable in respect of any property in Macau. 一種是應付的財產稅,是繳付所有在澳門的物產的稅務。
- The major ones would is property tax,lawyer's fee and insurance for your flat. 其他主要的費用有物業稅、律師和保險費。
- Lower property tax rates on personal property than real property business. 動產財產稅率低與不動產稅率。