- I think I'll opt out of this game. 我不想參加這場比賽。
- Britain and Ireland say they will opt out. 英國和愛爾蘭稱其將不會採取這一措施。
- To opt out at the critical moment would be quite indefensible. 在關鍵時刻置身事外的做法是決不不能原諒的。
- Just to clarify, you still intend to opt out? 你仍然打算選擇成為自由球員嗎?
- To opt out of direct marketing mail and telephone lists. 選擇不列在直銷郵件或電話名單上。
- Wells doesn't rule out opting out and then re-signing with Houston. 威爾斯沒有排除跳出合同再與火箭重簽的可能.
- Will individual schools be given the right to opt out of the local school authority? 各個學校可能有權選擇退出地方教育局嗎?
- And Liu is one of millions who have decided to opt out. 劉璐只是逃避婚檢的數百萬人中的一例。
- It is hard to condemn those who opt out of parenthood. 我們很難指責那些決定不當父母的夫婦。
- Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan. 僱員可選擇不參加該公司的養老金計劃。
- If you don't like our firm's insurance plan, you may opt out. 如果你不喜歡我們公司的保險計劃,可以退出。
- If you don't like our firm's insurance plan,you may opt out. 如果你不喜歡我們公司的保險計劃,可以退出。
- Today there is a tendency for people to opt out of social activity. 現在,越來越多的人傾向於不參加社會活動。
- Maggette will be a free agent and Brand can opt out. 馬蓋蒂將要成為自由人,布蘭德也要選擇離開。
- We had to, we can only opt out, which is forced to The upset. 所以沒辦法了,我們只能選擇退出,這也是被迫的無奈之舉。」
- You can always opt out of this email subscription at any time. 您可以隨時退出這個郵件訂閱在任何時候。
- Federal law allows you to opt out of this information sale by school. 要求學校停止出售你的個人信息。
- The children actually provide a useful excuse to opt out of tasks which Ann is usually expected to assume. 孩子們實際上成了安推脫本該做的工作的最好借口。
- You will also receive our monthly newsletter, which you may opt out of at any time. 您每月將會收到我們的新聞。您可以隨時關閉此功能。
- True or False: Educated married women are increasingly 「opting out」 of work to stay home with their children. 越來越多的受教育女性「選擇離開」工作,成為家庭主婦。