- Research on optimal linear estimate of estimative function in mixed model and derived model 混合模型及其導出模型下可估函數的最佳線性無偏估計研究
- Some sufficient conditions for admissibility of an nonnegative homogeneous or nonhomogeneous linear estimator about Bernoulli distribution are obtained. 討論了貝努利分佈均值參數 p的齊次與非齊次線性估計 Ax,Ax+c在矩陣損失函數(Ax- p) (Ax- p)′,(Ax+c- p) (Ax+c- p)′下的可容許估計
- Abstract: Covariance shaping least squares estimator is a new kind of linear estimator based on covariance shaping in quantum signal processing (QSP) framework. 文章摘要: 協方差成形最小二乘估計器是量子信號處理框架內基於協方差成形方法的一種新型線性估計器。
- The prediction for finite populations has been investigated, conditional linear unbiased prediction function is defined and unique conditional optimal linear unbiased prediction function is obtained. 研究了有限總體中的預測問題,給出了條件線性無偏預測的定義,並得到了唯一條件最優線性無偏預測函數。
- The calculation shows that the optimal linear mass increases with the rising time of current, and that the maximal kinetic energy of implosion is in direct proportion to square of current peak value. 電流上升時間對最優絲陣負載參數的影響的計算表明,隨著負載電流上升時間的增大,負載的最優線質量也要增大。
- minimum mean square linear estimator (MMSLE) 最小均方線性估計
- For the latter,we obtain the linear estimation of the number of isolated zeros of the corresponding Abelian integral. 對於另一類得到了其相應的阿貝爾積分的孤立零點的估計。
- Admissibility of linear estimators of Bernoulli distribution mean values under matrix loss. 矩陣損失下貝努利分佈均值的線性估計可容許性。
- In this paper, we discuss the admissibility of linear estimators on general multivariate regression coefficients. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator to be admissible among linear estimators are obtained. 討論了一般多元回歸係數線性估計的可容許性問題,得到了回歸係數的線性估計可容許的充分必要條件。
- conditional optimal linear unbiased prediction 條件最優線性無偏預測
- In this paper, we consider the admissibility of linear estimates of regression coefficients in growth curve model. 本文討論增長曲線模型回歸係數的線性估計的容許性.
- At present, the models used widely involve A-P method model,the optimal linearity model, the ADMS model and the complex models that were constituted by more than one single model. 現階段應用較廣泛的大氣環境容量的預測模型有A-P值法模型、箱模型、線性優化模型、ADMS模型及多種模型相結合的複合模式等,通過研究分析,提出了存在的主要問題及其有效的解決途徑。
- Some conclusions about the homogenous quadratic linear estimators could be found in [20][21]. 關於齊次二次型線性估計,文獻[20],[21]已有了一些結論。
- Qi-Guang Wu,Kazuo Noda, All admissible linear estimators in coordinatized multivariate linear models. 吳啟光,楊國慶,一類正態線性模型中參數的一致最小風險同變估計的存在性,中國科學(A輯),第31卷,第10期,2001年,878-890。(2001
- the optimal linear unbiased prediction 最優線性無偏預測
- experiential optimal linear prediction 經驗最優預測量
- We investigate the admissibility of the linear estimate of random regression coefficients under a matrix loss function in general growth curve models. 摘要本文在矩陣損失下研究了一般增長曲線模型中隨機回歸係數線性估計的可容許性。
- optimal linear associative memory 最優線性聯想記憶
- Lu Chang-yu, Admissibility of linear estimators in linear model with respect to a inequality restriction, Linear Algebra and Appl., to appear. 鹿長余.;隨機控制、泛控制和可容許性;博士論文;吉林大學;1999
- optimal linear combination forecasting model 最優線性組合預測模型