- An oppressive or nightmarish burden. 沉重的或夢魘般的重擔
- The heat in the tropics is oppressive. 熱帶氣候熱得難受。
- Oppressive, dictatorial control. 難以忍受的獨裁統治
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人們說那隻老虎還躲在附近。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在購買一套靠近她辦公室的單元房。
- She's always been very close about her past life. 她對自己過去的生活一直守口如瓶。
- For the umpteenth time close the door quietly. 我告訴過你好多次要輕輕地關門。
- That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car. 好險,火車差一點就撞上那部車子
- They intended to close out all their stock. 他們打算賣光所有的存貨。
- This work will hardly stand close examination. 這種作品很難經得起認真的檢驗。
- He soon brought the meeting to a close. 他很快就結束了會見。
- The church is close to the school. 教堂在學校附近。
- The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 這家劇院光顧者寡只好關閉。
- Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home. 她說的那些話很露骨而使人感到很尷尬。
- He decided to lie close for a while. 他決定躲一躲。
- A responsibility regarded as oppressive. 負擔被認為是強迫性的責任
- A close friendship gradually grew up between them. 他們之間的友誼日益親密。
- This kind of cloth has a close texture. 這種布質地很緊密。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大衛的家離環球劇院很近。
- In August the diurnal heat is oppressive. 八月里白天的暑熱逼人。