- The dying woman spewed out curse against her opponent and foe. 這垂危的老婦人連連詛咒她的冤家仇人。
- The dying woman spewed out curses against her opponent and foe. 這垂危的老婦人連連詛咒她的冤家仇人。
- Your must know both your opponent and yourself. 要知己知彼。
- become opponent and foe 做冤家對頭
- The swordsman disarmed his opponent and ran him through. 劍客繳了對手的械,並對其亂刺一氣。
- He set a trap for his opponent and stole his horse at a heat. 他為對手設計了一個陷阱,並一舉偷了他的馬。
- Young as she is,she knows how to distinguish between friend and foe. 雖然她年輕,她懂得怎樣區分敵友。
- In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of Hell, and foe of God. Used with the. 魔鬼在多種宗教中,主要象徵壞人的靈魂,地獄的統治者和上帝的敵人,與the連用
- We should be good at separating friends and foes. 我們要善於區分敵友。
- She outstayed her opponents and won the race. 她比對手更有耐力而勝了這樣比賽
- In the third round,he got the upper hand over his opponent and knocked him out. 他在第三回合中佔了上風,把對手擊倒了。
- Young as she is, she knows how to distinguish between friend and foe . 雖然她年輕,她懂得怎樣區分敵友。
- As defender: always be in the line between your opponent and your own goal! 作為防守隊員:總要站在對手和你的球門之間!
- As; Young as she be, she know how to distinguish between friend and foe. 雖然她年輕,她懂得怎樣區分敵友。
- Take care when you throw the opponent and always allow them to land safely. 當你把對手摔倒時候要小心,把他們放倒時要注意安全。
- I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. 我祈禱上帝保佑,曾是我對手,將是我總統的這個男人。
- Young as she is, she knows how to distinguish between friend and foe. 雖然她年輕,她懂得怎樣區分敵友。
- The champion knows all the tricks of the boxing trade; he knows many ways to hurt his opponent and to get him mixed up. 這位拳擊冠軍深曉拳擊中投機取巧的所有竅門,他知道很多傷害對手並使其亂陣腳的方法。
- She sees colors emanating like haloes from her friends and foes. 她看見顏色像光暈一樣從她的朋友和反對者身上散發出來。
- For friends, family, fans, and foes alike - vai vai vai SambAsia! 簡介跟朋友,家人,粉絲,和親愛的敵人一起參加吧-加油,加油,萬歲,萬歲!