- Water break protecting, it can prolong the life of laser tube. 斷水保護,更好地延長激光器的壽命;
- I come from Shanghai.Shanghai』s water is yellow;it's simply undrinkable. 我從上海來,上海的水簡直就不能吃了,而且是黃的。
- Conclusions Chitosan and it s water soluble derivatives have no cytotoxicity. 結論殼聚糖及其水溶性衍生物無細胞毒性。
- It is disadvantaged for the excavated-in harbor basin s water exchange flux which has large water area but only one mouth,and the linked fiver is a way to exchange the water from basin to the outside. 港池水域面積較大的單口門挖入式港池不利於港池水體與外界的交換,連通河涌是解決港池水體交換方式之一。
- The water broke loose when the dam burst. 堤壩潰決,河水泛濫。
- I think the water broke my phone. 我認為我的電話進水所以壞了。
- Has just concluded the fierce confrontation, the team members in court drink plenty of water breaks, but somewhat absent-minded, or even worried. 剛剛結束激烈的對抗,隊員們在場邊喝水休息,但都有點心不在焉,甚至是憂心忡忡。
- The water broke and one of senior person, who is also a RN, drove her to the Queanbeyan Hospital. 第四次終於撐到了20秒,只見他們神情緊張,身上東搖西晃,最後還是慘遭不幸。
- In picture is UNHCR's water programe in Sri Lanka, beneficiaries are taking simple shower. 這是難民署在斯里蘭卡的供水項目,難民們正在進行簡單的淋浴。
- The evapo-transpiration is taken into account as water loss, subtracted from the soil』s water balance. 蒸散發造成水量的損失,因此要從土壤水量平衡中扣除。
- The cytotoxicity of chitosan and it s water soluble derivatives was determined by the inhibition of cell growth. 採用細胞生長抑製法測定殼聚糖與水溶性的異丁基殼聚糖、羧甲基殼聚糖的細胞毒性。
- Many of ADB's water projects now involve river basin organizations, such as in People's Republic of China, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam. 亞行的許多水部門項目現在都涉及到流域組織,比如在中國、寮國和越南的項目。"
- The order of mutagenic intensity was as follows ;chlorinated tap water > reservoir』s water > source water > water of clarifying filteration. 毒性大小依次為氯化消毒的自來水> 貯水箱水> 水源水> 濾池出水。
- One who breaks wild horses to the saddle. 馴馬師將野馬馴服套上鞍的人
- As our country"s water resources allocation system defects, was wanton waste of water resources and faced with a serious shortage phenomenon. 由於我國水資源配置的制度缺陷,水資源遭到肆意浪費並面臨著嚴重短缺的現象。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- Methods : Each 200 L of water was collected separately from Huai river source water , water of clarifying filt ration , chlorinated tap water and reservoir』s water. 方法:採集淮河水源水、自來水廠濾池出水、氯化消毒自來水及大型貯水箱水各200 L 。
- I need a water break. 要不要打籃球啊?
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- The order of mutagenic potentiality of those samples is as follows : chlouinated tap water > reservoir』s water > source water > clarifying fillration water. 遺傳毒性大小順序依次為:消毒處理過的自來水> 貯水箱水> 源水> 濾池出水。