- A significant response issue is that the incident responders do not know the ultimate destination of the money mule site unless they have access to one of the redirector nodes. 在事件響應時存在一個重要的問題是事件響應處理者不知道錢騾網站的最終目的地址,除非他們登錄其中的轉向器節點。
- The Court『s ultimate decision in MGM .Grokster is ery likely to be one of the landmarks of this term. 法院在米高梅訴格羅斯特案中的最終判決可能成為這一任期具有劃時代意義的判決之一。
- The writer"s ultimate solicitude is another vanward pose. 作家對人性的終極關懷是保持了另一種先鋒姿態。
- They are going to London first, but their ultimate destination is Rome. 他們先去倫敦,然其最終目的地是羅馬。
- They're going to London first, but their ultimate destination is Rome. 他們先去倫敦,但他們的最終目的地則是羅馬。
- LDK\'s ultimate plan calls for growth to a one gigawatt manufacturing line, which would make it one of the world\'s largest manufacturers of solar wafers. 預計在兩年之內,LDK將成長為亞洲最大、全球第三的太陽能級矽片的生產商。
- This dialogue will help determine the ultimate destination of that journey. 這項對話將有助於確定該旅程的最終目的地。
- After the application completes, the results must be sent back to their ultimate destination. 當應用程序結束之後,執行結果必須發送回最終的目的地。
- The ultimate destination of education is to discover and explore people's interest inside their hearts. 教育的最終目的是發掘、引導個人的潛力與興趣。
- As packets travel , they are routed from host to host until they reach their ultimate destination. 在傳遞報文分組時,它們是從一個主機傳送到另一個主機,直到達到它們的最終目標。
- Then,non-resolving problems about the Final Purpose of Nature forbid us to inquiring the world"s Ultimate Purpose ,which is Man considered as Noumenon. 然而最後目的中包含著諸多問題不能解決,所以人類必須超出自然界去詢問世界的終極目的,這就是服從道德律的人。
- She accomplished her mission only to discover that there were no ships available to take Rhonin to his ultimate destination: Khaz Modan. 她完成任務后發現沒有船隻可以帶羅寧到達他的最終目的地:卡茲莫丹。
- Tsai's trademark humor returns in flashes, but the film's ultimate destination is a world outside of time and social limitations illumined by love. 片中看得到蔡明亮獨有的幽默,但最終的目標是一個沒有時空限制,由愛主導的世界。
- However, Heidegger』s ultimate question is how it is that beings in their beingness become available to us in the first place, or how we come to understand what it means to be. 或者我們如何可能知曉是者已成其所是狀態?在此意義上的本是問題乃探究發生事件的演義,探究演義中的一切是者對同樣為是者的我們,如何成為可通達的和可知曉的。
- The key of calculating flexure strength of UPPC beam is to determine unbounded prestressed tendon s ultimate value when the components are under their ultimate load ability. 計算UPPC梁(板)的抗彎強度,關鍵是確定構件在極限承裁能力時無粘結預應力筋的極限應力值。
- Many parts of the released files are whited out and the FBI's ultimate targets are unclear, but the seriousness with which the agency treated the investigation is unquestionable. 很多已解密的文件上有塗白,關於聯邦調查局這次調查的最終目的還很不明朗。但是特工們在這項調查工作中的嚴肅性是勿容置疑的。
- Hollywood is the ultimate destination for those destined to become stars. 好萊塢是命里註定的明星們最終的去向。
- The design of these reliable delivery specifications allow messages to reach their ultimate destination for cases where temporary network glitches occur. 這些可靠傳遞規範的設計允許在臨時網路失靈的情況下消息仍然到達最終的目的地。
- When viewed holistically, CMMI's ultimate goal (i.e., continuous process improvement) is to cause an organization to become less wasteful, leaner, and more in touch with actual development progress. 當從整體看,CMMI模型的最終目標(即持續的過程改進)是造成一個組織變得不那麼浪費,更精幹,更聯繫實際的發展進步。
- Routers are special purpose computers that interconnect the thousands of different computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets along to their ultimate destination as they travel. 路由器是一種特殊用途的計算機,它將組成網際網路的成千上萬個不同的計算機網路互相聯接起來,並將旅行的信息包向終極目的地發送。