- I must help her. After all, she's my own flesh and blood. 我必須幫助她。她畢竟是我的親人。
- I'll have to go to my aunt's funeral she was my own flesh and blood after all. 我得參加我姑姑的葬禮--她是我的親人哪。
- In fact,my son Mark is not my own flesh and blood. 實際上,我兒子馬克不是我的親骨肉。
- The girl was the old man's own flesh and blood. 這女孩是老人的親骨肉。
- You killed your own flesh and blood, What next? 你殺了你的親骨肉,然後呢?
- In fact, my son Mark is not my own flesh and blood. 實際上,我兒子馬克不是我的親骨肉。
- He is our own flesh and blood, and so we have a duty to help him when he's in trouble. 他是我們的親人,因此他有困難的時候,我們有責任幫助他。
- I must help them because they're my own flesh and blood. 我必須幫助他們,因為他們是我的親人。
- Of course I'll help her! She's my own flesh and blood! 我當然要幫她,她是我的親骨肉!
- I have to help them because they're my own flesh and blood. 我必須幫助他們,因為他們是我的親骨肉。
- And say to Amasa, 'Are you not my own flesh and blood? 也要對亞瑪撒說,你不是我的骨肉麽。
- I must help my brother and sister because they're my own flesh and blood. 我必須幫助我的弟弟和妹妹,因為他們是我的親骨肉。
- To my surprise, she gave me such an answer; she is my own flesh and blood. 令我大吃一驚,她竟這樣回答我,她還是我的親人呢!
- It is a sorrowful day in which a man does not accept his duty, which should be first and foremost in his heart and mind. How can one abandon his own flesh and blood to the winds of fate? 這真是令人悲傷的一天,因為有人背棄了他的責任。而這份責任本應佔據他心中最重要的地位。怎麼會有人遺棄自己的骨肉,任其自生自滅?
- He is our own flesh and blood,and so we have a duty to help him when he's in trouble. 他是我們的親人,因此他有困難的時候,我們有責任幫助他。
- Tyler: I didn't go home for a few days and didn't call. I can't believe she'd treat her own flesh and blood like that. 泰勒:我幾天沒回家也沒打電話。我真不敢相信她竟然這樣對待自己的親骨肉。
- The one cruel fact about hero is that they are made of flesh and blood. 有關英雄豪傑的殘酷的事實之一是,他們也是由血肉造成的人。
- All Israel came together to David at Hebron and said, "We are your own flesh and blood. 以色列眾人聚集到希伯侖見大衛,說:「我們原是你的骨肉。
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 這是血肉之軀無法忍受的。
- All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, "We are your own flesh and blood. 以色列眾支派來到希伯侖見大衛,說:「我們原是你的骨肉。