Alkyl polyglucosides were prepared from glucose and lauryl alcohol by one step reaction using p-toluenesulfonic acid and dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid as catalysts respectively. 分別採用對甲苯磺酸和十二烷基苯磺酸為催化劑進行了一步法由葡萄糖和月桂醇製備烷基糖苷的工藝研究。
The experiments have shown that it is successful to obtain the best one-step pretreating technological process of the cold pad-batch for tubular cotton knitgoods. 本文對影響棉針織物半成品質量的因素作了分析,通過正交試驗得到了筒狀棉針織物冷軋堆一步法前處理的最佳工藝及處方。