- In the user』s mind it is a simple command. 這樣的愚蠢問題,在用戶心中這是一個簡單的命令。
- English grammar tasked the boy' s mind. 英文語法使那男孩大傷腦筋。
- Khadgar』s mind was awhirl, as was his heart. 卡德加的內心和頭腦依然迷茫。
- Siva?In Zhuo\'s mind,the only god is his own power. )在卓王孫的心中,唯一的神就是他自己的力量。
- How do you tell off someone who is old enough to be your father? 你如何調遣那些年齡足以做你父親的人?
- You might like holding a door open for people, visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes, or shoveling snow off someone else' s driveway. 你可以為別人開門,或者去敬老院看望那 些孤獨的老人,或者清除別人行車道上的積雪。
- The plot of the new novel gradually developed in the author 's mind. 那部新小說的布局在作者的頭腦中逐漸形成。
- THame sHamortage of oxYuegen made YUE's mind blurred and forget tHame pain. 缺氧使櫟鑫的神志模糊起來,從而忘記了疼痛。
- She'd caught sight of her profile in the reflection off someone's glasses, and she was mulling over her own perfection. 她看見自己的身影倒影在一些人的眼睛上,她正品味著自己的完美。
- Uncensored information corrupts children』s minds. 未經審查信息腐蝕小孩的心靈。
- lift a weight off someone's mind 使某人心上一塊石頭落下地,解除某人的心上負擔
- take a weight off someone's mind 使某人心上一塊石頭落下地,解除某人的心上負擔
- His heroic action has left a deep impression on people' s minds. 他的英雄行為在人民心裡留下了深刻的印象。
- On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one 's mind; it becomes a pleasure. 趁這樣的機會直抒己見,其意義超過了道德上的義務,而成為一種樂趣。
- Even so, an early retirement was the last thing on Baekeland』s mind, according to his great-grandson. 但即使如此,據他的大孫子介紹,提早退休是貝克蘭德心靈中最後的事情。
- A skilled humorist manages to predict the relevance-seeking cognitive operations in the addressee』s mind. 精明的幽默發出者設法預算接受者的尋求關聯的認知心理運作。
- At 81, Alberta Sabin』s mind is not as sharp as it used to be, and she knows it. 81歲的亞伯達.;薩賓的頭腦不如過去那麼靈敏了,她自己也知道這件事。
- The question of whether life existed on other planets preoccupied the boy 's mind. 那男孩心中老是想著其他星球上是否存在生命這一問題。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大塊蘋果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父親一樣。