- Everything has been packed in boxes except a few odds and ends. 除了一些雜物,所有東西都裝了箱。
- There was a table with odds and ends piled on it. 有一張桌子上堆著零碎東西。
- He made a meal of the odds and ends that were left in the refrigerator. 她將放在冰箱里的一些殘餘食物拼湊成一餐飯。
- Please put these odds and ends out of the way. 請把這些零碎東西放到一邊去。
- She confected a dress from odds and ends of fabric. 她用布頭拼湊成一件衣服。
- He's moved most of his stuff; there are just a few odds and ends left. 他把大部分東西都搬走了,只留下一些零星雜物。
- A receptacle or storage area for odds and ends. 雜物包盛放雜物和殘渣的容器或地方
- There was a table with piling odds and ends on it. 有一張桌子上堆著零碎東西。
- I got a lot of odds and ends to do here. 我這兒還有不少善後事宜要處理。
- I threw away a few odds and ends. 我扔掉了一些零星雜物。
- These odds and ends take up a lot of space. 這些零碎東西很佔地方。
- She pieced together odds and ends of cloth. 她將零頭布湊成整塊。
- I'll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store. 我要到商店買些零碎的東西。
- We put all our odds and ends in(to) that drawer. 我們把所有七零八碎的東西都放到那個抽屜里了。
- I said we'd just eat up the odds and ends. 我說我們只吃殘羹剩飯就行了。
- Even the odds and ends may be of use to him. 即使是零星雜物也會對他有用的。
- I have bought this thing in the odds and ends shop. 我在雜物店買了這個東西。
- Even the odds and ends may be for use to him. 即使是零星雜物對他也會有用。
- He will make use of all the odds and ends. 他會利用所有這一切零碎東西。
- What shall we do with all those odds and ends? 我們用那些殘餘的東西可做什麼呢?