- A career woman is still regard as something of an oddity. 職業婦女仍然多少被認為有點怪。
- A career woman is still regarded as something of an oddity. 職業婦女仍然多少被認為有點怪。
- I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour. 她行為古怪我感到莫名其妙。
- He was in a particularly tetchy mood yesterday. 他昨天的心情極易暴怒。
- I noticed the oddity of his behaviour. 我注意到他的行為古怪。
- Anglo-French relations remained tetchy. 安格魯-法國的關係依然敏感。
- They were an odd crowd who treasured their oddity. 他們是一群怪人,並以怪為榮。
- I am techy, and have been since I was young. 我從小就很浮躁。
- But that oddity is for another time. 這是又一個奇怪的現象。
- Before long, an oddity confirm Bell's suspicion. 不久,一件怪事印證了貝爾的懷疑。
- "He must be an oddity, I think," said she. 「我看他一定是個古怪人,」她說。
- The only oddity was the oxygen tanks. 唯一奇怪的就是那些氧氣罐。
- This barber was a fellow of great oddity and humour. 這理髮師是個十分古怪而又富有幽默感的傢伙。
- The occurrence of Mr Lee Kuan Yew is something of an oddity. 李光耀的出現是個異數。
- She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed. 她突然意識到自己的話很可笑,臉一下子紅了。
- The boss and staff of Guangtou Restaurant boosting its oddity. 湖北武漢標榜奇特的光頭酒家老闆和員工。
- The occurrence of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is something of an oddity. 李光耀的出現是個異數。
- From his weird behaviour, he seems a bit of an oddity. 從他不尋常的行為看來,他好像有點怪。
- But relations between America and Britain in Afghanistan have been tetchy . 但美英在阿富汗的關係說變就變。
- He' s something of an oddity in the neighbourhood, ie unusual in some ways. 左鄰右舍的人覺得他有些古怪.