The findings are relayed by radio to observation points on the earth. 探測到的結果通過無線電傳送到各地面觀察點。
I have noticed that a portion of Walden which in the state of water was green will often, when frozen, appear from the same point of view blue. 我注意到瓦爾登的一個部分,它的水是綠的,一俟凍結之後,從同一觀察點望去,它成了藍色。
The reflection point will, generally, not lie vertically below the observation point. 一般情況下,反射點並不在觀測點的正下方。
The radii of the rings are determined by the spacing of the gravity observation points. 圓的半徑為重大觀測點之間的距離所決定。