- Photo Gallery: Sydney Bondi Beach A galah bird alights on a lifeguard』s cap. 意譯:悉尼的Bondi海濱圖片集。一隻galah鳥落在一位救生員的帽子上。
- Even their uniform makes them look bigger thanks to the pointed grenadier』s cap;a tricorne gets in the way of a good throw. 甚至連他們的服裝都有其特殊之處:擲彈兵制服讓他們看起來更為高大,尖頂軍帽可以使得投擲炸彈更加方便。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 護士用生理鹽水把葯加以稀釋。
- Roughly the size of India, it』s capped by a thick layer of permafrost and swathed in dense taiga forest. 粗廣的印度覆蓋稀薄的凍土和寬頻狀濃密的原針葉林。
- The nurse tucked her hair (up)under her cap. 那護士把頭髮聚攏起來塞進帽子里.
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出來。
- The nurse is preparing the child to go to hospital. 保姆正在為孩子住院作準備。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 該旅行團將由一名受過專門培訓過的護士陪同。
- The nurse wore a pleated cap on her head. 護士頭上戴著打褶的小帽。
- The nurse tucked her hair (up) under her cap. 那護士把頭髮聚攏起來塞進帽子里.
- The nurse will tell you when to bear down. 護士會告訴你分娩過程中什麼時候該用力。
- The nurse eased away the bandage from the wound. 護士小心翼翼地解開傷口處的繃帶。
- The nurse eased the bandage off from the wound. 護士輕輕地把繃帶從傷口上取下來。
- My cap' s kicking about somewhere. 我的帽子放在什麼地方了。
- Didn't the nurse's accident weigh on her at all? 這個護士的事故難道不使她苦惱嗎?
- It' s better to put the cap back on the bottle. 最好把瓶蓋蓋上。
- The nurse executed the doctor's orders. 護士執行醫生的命令。
- The nurse has taken a first-aid kit. 護士已經帶上了一套急救用品。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 護士抽了我的血樣去化驗。
- The nurse injected penicillin into her arm. 護士給她的胳膊注射了青霉素。