- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 無人知道該書是何人所寫。
- Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. 除了數字外,沒有一樣東西是像事實那樣靠不住的。
- Nothing is sacred to these wild youths. 這些狂野的年輕人什麼都不尊重。
- Nothing is cheap if you do not want it. 不要的東西,再便宜也貴。
- Nothing is cheap if you don't want it. [諺]不要的東西,再便宜也貴。
- Nothing is so sad as to see a friend lost to virtue. 沒有比眼見朋友墮落下去更令人難過的事情了。
- Nothing is capable of being well set to music that is not nonsense. 倘非荒唐無稽,沒有一樣東西能夠好兒地譜成曲子。
- He is wanting in judgment [courtesy]. 他缺乏判斷力[禮貌]。
- His answer is wanting in courtesy. 他的回答不夠禮貌。
- As far as the eye can reach, nothing is to be seen but sand. 在目所能及的地方,除了沙子之外什麼都沒有。
- It is over and above what is wanted. 那是超過需要的東西。
- Nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to music. 沒有一件事比待在家裡聽音樂更愉快的了。
- The robber is wanted by the police. 警方在通緝那個強盜。
- He is wanting in courage [courtesy]. 他缺乏勇氣 [禮貌] 。
- Nothing is fixed in the world, Everything is changing. 世界上沒有任何東西是一成不變的,一切都在變化。
- This explanation is wanting in many respects. 這一解釋在很多方面不能令人滿意。
- Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued. 沒有比時間更貴重的東西,但也沒有比它更受輕視的東西。
- Wherein no mingled wine is wanting. 不缺調和的酒。
- This piano is wanting in touch . 這架鋼琴鍵盤不好[聲音不好]。
- His book, while truthful, is wanting in excitement. 他的書寫得非常真實, 但興味索然。